9 thoughts on “Damn Marines are old… Semper Fi!

  1. My Dad was a Marine that went in at 17 in 43 in WW2 and was blown up on Okinawa on 45. He spent the next year in traction in a Naval Hospital before they put him in a wheel Chair and gave him a Medical Retirement, rolled him out, got him to a train to take him home.

    He never would talk about his time in the Marines, but his wounds were horrific. One went from left shoulder to right hip, others up and down both legs. I saw his papers and he retired a Sargent. I asked him how did him become a Sargent so young and he did answer, “attrition”, but would not say more.

    He would go back into the VA every 6 months to be straighten out. His back and hips would be waited down, until there were straight. It was painful. This allowed him to walk properly.

    • Semper Fi. Totally agree Brother. Chesty Puller is spinning in his grave. Makes me madder than hell.

  2. Old Corps was a test of everything that I was. We were busted down and rebuilt at PI and San Diego. FUCKABUNCHOFWOKE !!!!!

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