Supreme Court Case #22-380 Brunson VS. Adams Defendants Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris & 94 Senators
Credit: Rumble

This is a reading of Supreme court case 22-380 Brunson VS. Adams.
It alleges that the 2020 election was rigged and it lists the defendants, 94 U.S. State Senators and 129 members of the House of representatives, Joseph R.
Biden and Kamala Harris as well as former Vice President Mike Pence, in a conspiracy to defraud the United States and Mr. Brunson, by rigging or allowing to be rigged the 2020 election process.
It calls for amongst other things the removal of 94 Senators, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as well as over 100 members of the House of Representatives for being part of the conspiracy to rig the 2020 elections and overthrow the duly elected leader of the United States.
Yeah, sure …. all this will do is “legalize” the cheat
If the plaintiff had a case, they’d already be dead.
I’m not a lawyer, but I’ve been watching SCOTUS decisions closely over the past ten years. My suggestion: go back to sleep and keep dreaming. SCOTUS and the U.S. Constitution no longer have anything in common save they both sit in Washington, D.C.
You mean like Roe V Wade and a few of those 2A rulings?
The court has changed a wee bit in a decade.
RGB cashed out here recently.
If you look closely at the complaint you will see it is mostly about failure to follow that pesky oath of office, the same one that all those justices took too.
I don’t have a crystal ball and with the high prices of things these days I had to use my tea leaves to cook me some Earl Grey the other day, but I think there is a slight chance there might be more to this one.
Time will tell.
Found the video on rumble and watched part of it. 10th circus was witholding everything until these guys decided to bypass them.
SCOTUS will not rule in our favor on this, they will be too afraid to. They all have families. And can you imagine the crisis if prez, vice prez and 385 congresscritters are all deemed to not have been elected??? Cue red dawn for real when the whole world comes rushing in to take us over in this crisis where we have no fedgov.
“the whole world comes rushing in to take us over”
Behind every blade of grass…
With the crowd we got these days, the blades of grass are getting fewer. But I’m right there with you.
So, then don’t overturn a fraudulent election to avoid being invaded?
Can you say, “Fat Chance”?
‘Cause TPTB won’t let this get far…
I’d be utterly amazed if the court accepted this case. It’s a virtual certainty that this lawsuit will see the same fate as all the other lawsuits that were filed over the 2020 steal… will be dismissed outright, with prejudice and nobody on the court will bother to look at ANY of the evidence. That is what happened numerous times after the big steal in 2020. No court wants to even SEE any of this evidence. Because hearing such a case would require one of two things. Exposing the corruption of the judicial system or rendering a verdict that would likely cause mass chaos, violence and probably civil war. No…those in power want this uncomfortable problem to simply GO AWAY.
I don’t find it hard to believe that all of them are corrupt.
However , I very much believe Trump was the most corrupt and certainly the stupidest POTUS in my lifetime too.
Thing is , to unravel the mess …means the end of our country and civil war.
Everyone loses in that scenario I think
Citations please.
Don’t hold your breath. Another Leftard bomb-thrower.
Trump didn’t lose an election because of cheating. He threw an election he should’ve won. It’s unfortunate people haven’t realized this.
…and on Nov 23, 2022 the US government waived it’s right to respond to the petitioner.
Sounds like they’re really concerned, doesn’t it?
Old school balls. Respect.
Ask yourself why part of the cabal would not rule in favor of the cabal.
You got it right, Bear Claw.
Three elements NECESSARY to have a justiciable cause of action: Violation of a legal right, harm, redressability.
I think you can probably show a harm, I doubt you can show a causal link from a stolen election to any infringed rights, but the kicker is redressability. The USSC has no power to remove anyone from office.
The case is not justiciable. Youi can hope and pray, but that’s what I’m betting will be the result.
I believe people with authority to make decisions have been threatened.
Is dudley a paid troll?
Asking for a friend.