Damn good read from: My Daily Kona, Friday February 2, 2024


“How Do People Believe that 2nd Amendment protect the 1st……..”

 Yeah, I shamelessly clipped this off Quora, it was a good response, it has been discussed amongst us bloggers for several years, especially when we hear from the lefties ” you can’t fight the Apache Helicopter and the atom bomb” or some such nonsense…Our response is, “we don’t fight them, we fight the logistics, and you do know that pilot that fired that hellfire into that house…..betcha he has a family….you think that family will be safe?, you lefties use violence like a volume knob to suit your political purposes, to us it is “on-off” switch, we flick that switch, it will make the genocide in Rwanda look like a kindergarten spat, so be careful what you wish for.

Head over to the link above. What I have mentioned and preached… American Cong.

16 thoughts on “Damn good read from: My Daily Kona, Friday February 2, 2024

  1. well, it has been a very long time since I ran “point” doing recon with the 1/503.
    but I still remember how. and I have taught those skills to others before.
    also spent some time teaching “CIC” or what the Brits called “FISH” back in the late 1970’s in what used to be West Berlin.
    fun fact, back then we used to train with the Brits and Frogs on the regular too.
    had some friends in 2ND Para back then after they did a tour or two thru Belfast
    so, maybe I can’t run and gun like I used too, but I do have some skills I can pass on to those who might want too.

    • Same, Dave.
      I usually don’t advertise my skills, but will to a few I trust.
      Too long in the tooth to run and gun with the youngsters.

      Never piss off an Engineer. We know how things go together, and we know how to take ’em apart.

      • last year I had to smile at some younger guys. ended up teaching them how to “point shoot”.
        you should have seen their faces when I started shooting.
        I think I made a few new friends that day.
        also showed how to double tap really fast as well.
        as they told us back in the day, anything worth shooting once , should get another for good measure.
        and I don’t advertise either, those guys showed up on a weekday when the range is empty as a rule.
        I use 5 by 8 cards on 12 inch squares of cardboard as targets. 25 and 50 yards.
        thank god I do reload as it does keep the cost down a bit.

  2. “The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

  3. The vast majority of folks on the right are commies, and vote for commies. Just listen to them try to sell their communism by saying ‘I paid into social security’, when they’re trying to get out several times more than they put in. They are financially cannibalizing their children, and proud of it with their ‘I’m spending my children’s inheritance’ bumper sticker.

  4. “They”(you know who) have no idea what’s gonna happen when they drop that hammer. The politcians think all those high tech weapons are gonna rule, like they didn’t in Vietnam and Afghanistan.

    Somehow these “modern warriors” and the politicians giving them orders seem to forget the lessons of history 1. Afghanistan has never been conquered and HELD going all the way back to Alexander the Great and the Afghanny’s defeated some pretty good modern armies over the last several hundred years. 2. Guerrilla warfare will either win outright or make the more advanced army and political class backing it get tired and frustrated and go home. Again, see the U.S./Afghanistan 20 year war for illustration. 3. Never get involved in a war on the Asian sub-continent(you know, half way around the world).

    As pointed out in the article from MDK, there’s “the people pulling triggers for the government” have families and the logistics tail for them is gonna be one stone assed bitch when supply lines are getting ambushed left, right and center. it’s also pretty hard for an F-16 or any other jet aircraft to get or stay air born after ingesting a .30cal round during takeoff.

    In other news, I read some of the transcripts from the CO vs Trump on the ballot from yesterday’s SJC hearing. Let’s just say that all of the Justices asking questions, including two of the far left loons, are NOT PLEASED with the Atty General of CO’s arguments for removing Trump and for which he got taught a thing or three about the law from a couple of them and about unintended consequences from Chief Justice Roberts. I could hear the guy shitting his pants in the transcripts when Roberts asked him “what’s to prevent some other state from kicking Joe Biden off their ballot” for pick a reason?

    He should be red faced with embarrassment. Then again he’s a Demonrat, so that ain’t happenin’.

  5. Same here. Did my hitch on the ground in West Germany mid-70’s. Too old to run and gun, more like sneak and peek. Just because we are old doesn’t mean they are out of range. Started reloading back then, have been doing it ever since. Beyond that, I don’t post details on the web.

    I fully expect that sooner or later one or more of the neighbors in our cul-de-sac will ask to borrow a gun. With perhaps one exception, not happening.
    Me: “Well, where’s your gun?”
    Them: “What gun? I don’t own a gun”.
    Me: “What gun? The one your father gave you”. (This line shamelessly stolen from Jeff Cooper).

  6. I want to let Kona know that he is doing the right thing with regard to Goofy, and that I’m so sorry for his loss. Dogs are the best people I know!

  7. Bosnia wasn’t so bad. At least you knew who the enemy was.
    CW2 will be a lot different.
    I guess we keep shooting everyone until there’s no more shooting. LOL

    • I was in Bosnia, as an MP investigating military and civilian casualties and saw quite a bit of battle and fought with an infantry unit long enough for me to earn a CIB… Not many MPs earn that.

  8. Fredrick Douglass said that our rights rest on the three boxes: the ballot box; the jury box; and the cartridge box.

  9. All very interesting. As a Mick born in ’69 in Belfast I’ve seen the elephant from the other side.

    Don’t flick that switch until you must but if you do all their ‘toys’ count for nothing. The key is support in the community. Without that you are dead in the water. Eyes on the ground for Intel and logistics are key.

    Brits had nukes, air force and navy. They didn’t help. As the grunts have ‘learned’ repeatedly in ‘Nam, Iraq and the ‘Stan. Ground pounders are merely targets walking.

    Soft targets like warehousing, barracks, bases and infrastructure are just that. Without that logistics tail the trigger pullers are beat. I see the regular US forces are very tail heavy.

    1000 micks could tie down 10’s of thousands of Brits. If we had better logistics and more than light arms they would have been f*#ked. A few Barrett light 50’s caused chaos in the border region.

    Hang in folks. We support the American people to preserve the dream of liberty – you are the last bastion. Trump ripped bare the face of the deep state/MIC cabal.

    Form local small groups. Read up on cell formation/operation to stop the glowies infiltrating – it can come together very fast if the SHTF. The Intel war is where it will really be fought and won.

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