22 thoughts on “Daddy’s Line Just Got Crossed

  1. Should have thrown that bitch in there instead of the electronics.

    You can get cash for them on Craigslist

  2. I’ve probably ranted about this before but I got out of high school and was flipping burgers all night going to vo-tech aircraft mechanic school in the day and got my A&P at 19 and started working on airplanes all day and going to school at night and eventually went back to school full time for my engineering degree. I was a busy boy but the thing is, I remember those as pretty good times. I certainly sympathize with the dad here but he has some accountability. Of course I didn’t even have a dad so it was root hog or die for me.

    • Much respect.
      I am in that world and it is a tough one; we need more techs like you if you want to send some my way…

  3. Point taken, but it seems odd to me that the tender “snowflake” has no problem with somebody shoving a camera in his face during his “tantrum”. I wonder who was behind the camera.

  4. let me be fucking blunt. If dad had don his job 18 years ago this would not be an issue. raise them up in the way they should go, and even in their old age they will not depart from it.

  5. What went into the chipper? And what’s the weird Halloween costume thing he’s wearing?

  6. His get up, ironically enough is “Master Chief” a Space Navy ground pounder from the Halo series of games. Don’t play ’em, don’t plan to. Only know cause a Navy Master Chief would never be stupid or useless enough to go down and shoot it out with aliens alone…

  7. Real or memorex? I don’t know but remember there’s a mother involved as well in most cases

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