8 thoughts on “Crosses herself too…

  1. Nopity nope. Don’t want to be anywhere near any penguins. I suffered their dictatorship for eight years of grade school. Chewed my fingernails to nothing for eight years. The affliction vanished as soon as I headed for high school. My third grade teacher, if she hadn’t been a nun, would have made an excellent Nazi.

    • I got the Nazi in the sixth grade. Moved out of the frying pan and into the fire for high school, they were the Jesuits, they could strike fear into a Nazi. Latin instructors were the scariest.

  2. We don’t have them here.
    Have some Mormons and Jehoshaphat witnesses though.
    But they’re not the door knockers that I was used to when I was living in the east.

  3. I was in uniform and taught by Nuns from K thru 5th grade and I’m going to offer a contrary opinion. They hit me one time and I grapsed the concept. There apparantly are these things called right and wrong and I’m not in charge of deciding which is which. I credit those ladies with evry good decision I ever made (few they may be!). When I do watch the news, which isn’t often, I see a bunch of people who should have had the sh*t slapped out of them by some nuns.

    • Cederq is probably hoping for said nun to discover a new and exciting use for those rosary beads. I just hope that she washes them after his instruction.

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