8 thoughts on “Corona is a very light beer, rabbit piss, at least Coors is mule piss

  1. When I was stationed in Texas we would cross the border into Mexico and buy Corona beer for $4 a case. This was before it got popular in the States. We would fill the trunk of my buddy’s 11 year old 75 Pontiac Bonneville with beer. When we got back to the base we were stationed we would sell all but 4 cases for $8 a case. That paid for our beer and all of the expenses for a weekend in Mexico.

  2. And you’re not gonna be taken out by a virus that has a 99.7% chance of SURVIVAL, either!

  3. True. Do you remember what they put us through for polio which had a 98% survival rate?

  4. ,,,on another note, the NH House passed the Ivermectin without a prescription bill yesterday. Remains to be seen whether the Senate will pass it, then whether chain drug stores will allow purchase without a script. I see years of litigation ahead. In the meantime, people will still be needlessly dieing for lack of a $0.10 pill that has been approved for human use for 35 years and that has1000% less side effects than the jab.

    But hey, our fed .gov is looking out for us every day, looking for more ways to spend money we don’t have. In the meantime they vote themselves a 21% pay increase because, you know, they just can’t survive on $175000.00/year, especially when you tack on all the freebies they get everywhere just because they have titles, like CONgressman or Senator preceding their name.

      • Big fat whoop.

        They raised SS 7% and then hiked the Medicare premium. Works out to 2.8% raise.

        Congress should NEVER be able to set their pay scale. Room and board is all they need, really.

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