7 thoughts on “Cornucopia of Cast Iron. Wish I had them all!

  1. A friend of mine refined a 55 gallon drum of silver nitrate (was considered waste as it was contaminated), needed to melt and pour the silver. He borrowed the missus’ corncob cast iron tray and poured small corncob silver ingots which amused the pawn shop guy. He got $1800 for them (back in the late ’90s).

    We don’t have any in the pic but do have 4 skillets of different sizes, a waffle iron, and a something I can figure out how to use; looks like a griddle, only deeper.

  2. Already 5/8ths of the way there, and ore besides, and mine are in much better condition than those.

  3. I’d live to scarf up that cornbread wedge pan as well as the muffin pan.

    Need to go to some Garage Sales this year, I guess…

  4. Lots of YouTube on how to clean up rusted pans. Amazing what you can do with a “lost cause” piece of cask arn, as an old geez I knew in the Appalachians would call ’em.

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