Mostly Cajun, All American and Opinionated
One of the hats I wore before I retired was that of resident conscience. I had a whiteboard. I started recording bits of wisdom when I started the job. I took a photo when I left. My boss used to bring people in to read the wisdom contained thereon.
I have taken the time to transcribe the contents in case the picture is hard to read:
All of the carefully thought out and intelligent plans in the world from the beginning of time to the present day tremble in the presence of ONE motivated idiot.
There are three kinds of people in the world, those wh can count and those who can’t.
“You should really do some research instead of just listening to the voices in your head.
BOGSAT (Bunch of guys sitting around a table
In a just universe, stupid should hurt. IT often does, and it hurts the wrong people)
Exhaustipated – too tired to give a shit.
Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.
We have enough ‘youth’. How about a fountain of ‘smart’?
Roman Engineer’s Law: The engineer must sleep under the bridge he designed.
I’ve got to stop saying “How stupid can you be?”. Too many people are taking it as a challenge.
“Arrogant” is the term that the mediocre use to describe people better than themselves.
Life is like a box of morons.
One man’s magic is another man’s engineering (Common sense)
“It ain’t fair!” (‘Fair’ is where you buy funnel cakes)
If you don’t know, don’t speak.
The tallest nail gets the hammer.
Guano-psychotic – bat-shit crazy.
Adam and Eve didn’t have belly buttons. Think about it.
Try not. Do, or do not. There is no “try”.
I don’t know much about electricity, but compared to HIM I feel like freakin’ TESLA! (Quote by Bobby Pinch – RIP)
Teamwork is a lot of people doing what **I* say. (Donald Trump)
Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.
Proud member of the National Sarcasm Society (Like we need YOUR support)
The opposite of failed experts isn NOT incompetent amateurs.
Idiot-proof systems are no match for system-proof idiots.
There is no “I” in team. There ARE in “group of idiots”.
Stupid kills (But not enough to really help)
The opportunity to excel often rides in on the coattails of idiots.
There is NO amount of technology that can overcome the limits of human incompetence.
In good conscience
There may be a wee typo in “The opposite of failed experts is(n) NOT incompetent amateurs.”
Other than that. Lotta good stuff there. I’m keepin’ it. Thanks!
There is a farm equipment salvage yard about an hour East of me owned by a guy who goes by “Rooster”. Phil would love the place, acres of everything from lawn mowers to combines being parted out. The walls, ceiling, doors, any space available are covered in his “isim’s” Real food for thought, some of them.
I used to have the infamous John Wayne quote on my door – Life’s hard. It’s even harder when you’re stupid.
I was told to take it down, as I wasn’t specific enough as to who it applied to, and too many people took offense. As I intended.
There are two types of people. Those who group people into 2 types, and those who do not.
Or how about:
There are two types of people. Those who are able to extrapolate.
I have a National Sarcasm Society t-shirt. Always get good reactions from others.
i need so many of those on my toolbox at work.