Congratulations To Regular Americans!

You can finally claim a couple of scalps in the Culture War.

The Anheuser-Busch executives responsible for the Bud Light disaster reportedly are no longer with the company.

Group Vice President for Marketing Daniel Blake and Bud Light Marketing Vice President Alissa Heinerscheid are both no longer with A-B for their roles in the Dylan Mulvaney debacle, according to texts obtained from a current regional head of marketing by the Daily Caller’s most prominent journalist Henry Rodgers.

The texts describe the pair as “gone gone,” and noted, “To my understanding if we publicly announced the word ‘fire’ it opens up the potential for them to sue us. That’s why we said leave of absence.”

It was previously announced the two were simply taking a leave from the company. It now looks like that wasn’t really the case and the pair has permanently split.

Anheuser-Busch  has had their asses handed to them in declining sales of Bud Light in direct retaliation by disgusted Regular Americans who are increasingly fed up with the “Woke” bullshit culture war being forced down their throats.

Anheuser-Busch has lost over 30 Billion dollars in the months since making the mistake of advertising the fact that they had some special cans made up for a Trans sexual individual named Dylan Mulvaney.

Sales of Bud Light have plummeted and it is near to the point that drinking one comes with a social stigma.

Anheuser-Busch in general has lost it’s long held number one spot in the beer market and sales continue to slide.

I would think, that Everyday Americans have launched a shot over the bow to Corporate America in general by shunning all things Budweiser over this .

Apparently someone has decided to shit can the marketing geniuses who were behind the Mulvaney incident as an afterthought but it’s too little too late.

Anheuser – Busch is finding out that Americans are slow to anger but when that point is reached, they come together and make things happen, even after a few lame attempts by Budweiser to suck up by releasing new commercials trying to use the Patriotic theme.

They were immediately hammered for their blatant pandering.

Two scalps in this long culture war may not seem like much but this could actually be a pivotal moment. Now that “Joe Sixpack” has found that all he has to do is NOT buy a certain product from anyone pushing this “Woke” bullshit en masse, that targeted company starts losing billions and is forced to back off the Wokeism toot sweet to survive.

Just ask Target how it works. They got a good dose of it too.

Keep it up people.

24 thoughts on “Congratulations To Regular Americans!

  1. A-B has not gotten the message. They had a float in a gay “pride” parade that featured nudist exposing themselves to children. Time for their distributors to dump the brand(s) and find different manufacturer to distribute.

    • They have not gotten the message but now they’re trying to reframe the argument. They’re running a radio ad extolling their virtues of employing multitudes of regular people, in an attempt to guilt trip the rest of us into buying their shitty products. Which is typical, cynical corporate behavior. The problem is not the regular people working at AB, the problem is the assholes running the place. And other places as well. I don’t know how you get to those assholes without burning the whole place down, but whatever, let’s get to it.

      I do feel bad for the regular people who work there who are getting hurt but at this point, I really do feel like it’s them or us. I vote for us.

    • The most important thing is to pay attention where those two jackasses go. How funny will it be if they can’t land a job.

  2. A little hurt video might’ve greased the skids to the warranted Adios action scene.

  3. Dylan Mulvaney- The guy who sank Butt Light (thought the same before him,,, but)
    He hasn’t done anything to make himself look more feminine than dressing in drag and overacting the part of whatever he’s pretending to be.

    What if—
    He saw a perfect opportunity to mash Lefty alt-worship in the face AND make big Bux off of it?
    Then at night, he takes off his ‘little girl’ dresses, puts on a pair of cargo shorts and a wife-beater -opens his and account and laughs his ass off while drinking a good Scotch?

    • Like the shop teacher in Canada that started coming to work wearing ZZZ zepplins under his shirt and demanded to be called her? Totally looked like a troll given his previous statements.

  4. The problem is, too many are unaware of just how many brands of beer AB INBEV makes, or partners with. If you switch from Bud/Light to another AB INBEV brand, it’s not hurting them. Stop buying AB INBEV.

  5. BTW, they haven’t yet gotten the message. They sponsored a pride parade in the Great used to be White North. Naked fags on bicycles riding down the street waving to the kids.

  6. I don’t buy from Target or AB or a few other places.
    Boycotts, especially for gross degeneracy, last FOREVER.

  7. it is a good start. but the normal people will have to keep this up until it breaks them. ( the woke assholes) otherwise it is nothing more than a tax write off for them. BTW, this is something the left has done very well over the years now.
    so using this tactic against them is just as fair. which is why some clowns on the “news” are calling out against it. they know it works.
    the same way Dicks sporting goods stores do not have the sales they used to have before they decided that AR and semi auto rifles where evil.
    so, if you want change, don’t buy anything that the clowns sell.

  8. Let’s devise a method to kick Blackrock, and Vanguard’s asses. If we can accomplish that goal, the bullshit will stop, because they are the head of the snake.

    • The problem is that Blackrock owns stock in Vanguard, and Vanguard owns stock in Blackrock. Separately they own shares in most everyone else. The only real solution is to disolve both companies and send all of their employees to a desert island.

  9. Why would anyone put someone who pretends too young to drink on their can? Talk about a (HOLD MY BEER) stupid moment!!!! BUUUUUWHAAAAHAAHAA SNICKER SNICKER

  10. I read a story somewhere yesterday that the distributors told Mudwater that if they didn’t fire the two nitwits, they would discontinue distributing the brands.

    In another story I read that Mudwater is giving away Queer Beer (Mud Light) for free for the Fourth of July holiday this coming weekend. But, you still have to pay full price in a retail outlet, then get reimbursed via mail in rebate, which they’re probably banking on not many sending in.

    • You go that right when you said “banking on”.

      You pay the full price, which they put in the bank and draw interest on, then 90 days later they send you a store coupon (at Target) worth the value you spent.

      Fuk em ded I say.
      If you try to fuk me in any way the payback will be fast, furious, and permanent.

  11. Wife and I went into the big city the other day on some errands.
    Local drug store/discount chain had bud light adverts on the cooler display.
    With coupon, 7 bucks for. 24 pac.
    Right next to it is Miller lite at 21 bucks.

  12. I would buy three cases of miller lite before any bud product. Did not like it in the 70’s when I actually drank. Would not buy it now on a bet.

  13. This should not stop until all A/B brands are boycotted, the entire board is forced to resign, and stockholders sue the board members for loss of value. Now companies can tell Blackrock and Vanguard to piss off with their ESG/DIE crap and shareholders can sue them if they try to crash the stock by selling off too quickly. We tanked Bed Bath and Beyond when they dumped Mike Lindell’s products. We can do it to any of the big corporations. Keep it up people!

  14. They weren’t fired right away as Bud was in talks over the severance packages to prevent costly lawsuits for terminations. This most likely included NDA’s as the CEO and board approved the ads.

  15. They are eating their own now too, just as I’ve always said. The faggotry is throwing them under the bus for not supporting them enough! They are doing the same to Target because they are moving the toddler/groomer clothing to the back of the store or getting rid of it altogether.

    There is literally no point in apologizing or trying to appease them. The heat must be kept up on Bud. They need to apologize to US, and tell clown world to FOAD … them maybe we could talk…

  16. We went from near-beer to queer-beer in two generations. This shit isn’t being learned by any business out there.

  17. That’s what it’s all about ! Vote with your wallet. Bud Lite and Dildo Mudveny are but one example of it. Anyone here wear Levis? Did you know they support gun control ? Carhartt made their employees take the clot shot .I will not purchase from either. Hit them where they feel it !

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