Completely and Utterly Fucked

I’m sure you are well aware of the ecological disaster currently unfolding in Ohio.

I’m not sure if everyone is really comprehending the scope and the ramifications of what is happening though.

You may have seen this picture that gives you a pretty damn good idea of how big it is but be aware, that was early on.

Here’s a view from altitude, Chinese Balloon type altitude,

It even LOOKS like a malevolent, cancerous sore.

This gives you and indication of where the bulk of it is heading.

That was LAST WEEK.

Government officials keep insisting that everyone can return to their homes and that the drinking water is safe.

Let me ask you something after watching the government over the last 3 years.

Do you actually believe these lying motherfuckers?

I sure as fuck wouldn’t.

Let me put it this way, when I started seeing pets and livestock dying I would have been gone immediately.

Fuck, everything, bye.

Just for fun, the stuff they burned, Poly Vinyl Chlorate is one of the most vicious cancer causing chemicals on the planet.

Take a look at this picture again,

Every bit of that is eventually going to come back to earth somewhere.

Literal truck loads of it have already blanketed a huge area, has gotten into the rivers and coated miles and miles of farm land.

This is in my opinion, the biggest ecological disaster to ever hit the Mainland United States.

The effects of this are going to manifest for generations.

Meanwhile, the finger pointing and ass covering is more frenetic than two horny

ferrets trying to fuck inside a Pringles can.

All of which is doing exactly Jack Shit to help anybody.

It’s exactly like somebody said, they just nuked that town.

And SEVERAL other states.

Once that shit got up into the air and the wind caught it , EVERYBODY around is going to be hosed.

Not to mention it’s in the waterways now.

This is going to make The Love Canal look like a mud puddle before this is all said and done.

26 thoughts on “Completely and Utterly Fucked

    • They can weasel out all they want. Overtime there is going to be some pissed off widows that will want to have a visit with these evil fuckers. Maybe that’s the spark.

  1. From the moment it happened, my wife and both said it is worse than Chernobyl. We live on Lake Michigan and are massively concerned on what the decades long fallout of this will be.

    They keep downplayong the danger, but anyone with half a brain cell knows the reality.

    • yup, that is a good way to size it up. this is our Chernobyl in Ohio.
      and anyone who believes anything the clowns say today after the last 3 years is a moron.

      • This is just an excuse for the Agenda 2030, NWO, Davos, Satanic crew to further The Cull. No place is safe, even the wilds of the West are chem trailed almost daily. So is my rural Tennessee.
        (((They))) hate us and want us dead or enslaved. Look up S.M.A.R.T. cities. Better living through chemis…tyranny.

  2. this is what we get when you have stupid people in charge.
    after all we have the best people in charge right now and they are on top of everything. yeah, right. had a couple of uncles that worked for the railroad back in the 1960-70 like. one of them drove on the tracks all day long looking for problems
    the other one did rail car inspections, again, all day long.
    I don’t think they do much of that anymore.
    and good old mayor Pete is worried about local hires for building stuff.
    yeah, like that is going to work out. anyone remember the Powell village stand off and fire ? the city of philly burned down a whole city block- a shit load of homes. anyway, the city paid to rebuild them. yup, you guess it. local hires.
    every brother who could get a pickup truck became a builder !
    it ended up costing the city 3-4 times the normal price and they still where junk houses. doors didn’t open or close, windows that fell out when you tried to open them (?) in the end it would have been cheaper to move everyone out to the main line (big buck houses ) and just make the place a park.
    that whole area is going to be fucked for a long time to come.

    • Dave, you live in the area? Today, seeing the reporters go to a creek or ditch and stirring up an oily sheen from the bottom. Was it that way before the accident? Historical residue from area industry, not the “floating on the surface” that came from the accident site?
      No doubt this is bad, but made worse by a bad decision to burn it off. The claim of “burning it off because it could have exploded if we tried to clean it up”?
      Incompetence abounds.
      We had a local food safety inspection. “It passed on sanitation, but failed on compliance. We will reinspect in 6 months.” WTF, a bunch of make work jobs.
      They used to check more locations in 3 days (Mon-Wed) and report by Friday. This time 4 days, LESS locations (contraction of industry) but did not get the report out until 10 days later.
      Because EVERY load EVERY day is tested for safety.
      The mask wearing (worthless) inspector yesterday “You’re going to have to explain it (the physical system) to me, because I don’t know what I’m looking at.” He’s only been doing this job for 20+ years.

  3. Note for further updates:
    Just” vinyl chlorite”, once it’s poly it is the white tubing under the sink, and that’s pretty safe.
    Your pal

  4. If the US govt says it. DO NOT believe it. All they ever do is lie. Skunks, all of ’em.
    It’s the leftist Demoncraps that are allowing all the train derailments and food processing plant fires.

  5. We dodged that bullet. I’m about a 2 hour drive west of there.

    The prevailing winds are westerly. So no fallout for us.

    Lake Erie is our water source. So no runoff for us.

    Just the normal issues from this event. Wading thru chest deep bullshit and incompetence from

    dewhine did a million dollar lottery for jabgetters, so that’ll let you know his level of statist.

  6. It’s commonly accepted (though I don’t know if its true) that the Chernobyl disaster and the Soviet government’s response to it was something that caused many Russians to openly turn against that government and so that when they saw the chance of doing away with it in the late-Gorbachev years, they took it quickly. Hence the speedy collapse throughout the USSR.
    Maybe this catastrophe and what you know will be an epic clusterfuck of a response will have the same effect on us in the FUSA.

  7. Yesterday there was a story on ZH on this with a plume map, published by some EPA like agency, showing the aerial distribution of the fallout. If memory serves(somewhat dubious these days), the plume. ever expanding following the prevailing winds of those couple of days, stretched from the town NNE ward through PA and NY, following the Connecticut river all the way up to the Canadian border. The date of the plume map was a couple days ago, so no telling what the distribution is these days.

    After seeing this article I went back to ZH and tried to find the story. PPFFFFTT gone.

    So, .gov is still in the business of censoring articles it doesn’t like.

    I should know better, by this time, to copy and save that shit.

  8. Right in the middle of Amish country. This sure ruined their way of life as well as anybody else in the area.

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  10. 1) anyone who says it’s safe to go back and drink the water should have to stay there till it’s cleaned up and drink the water
    2) sue norfolk southern out of business. till they have to sell all of their assets; and everyone (from top to bottom) responsible for any decisions that led to this, is bankrupted, and their families are homeless. then jail them for the rest of their worthless lives

    • Nothing will happen to Anyone Involved, (let alone responsible) No One gets Arrested, No One goes to Jail. “Taxpayers” will in the end have to Pay to ‘Fix It’, meaning politically-connected businesses will rake in Millions to do… not much at all effective.

  11. Last night Tucker did a piece on this with J. D. Vance, one of OH’s Senators. In the clip he walked up to a small stream and stirred up the bottom with a stick. An oil like sheen appeared on what had been clear water and proceeded to follow what slight current there was downstream. Now imagine the stuff that’s on the bottom being washed through soil as rain falls on it contaminating individual drinking water wells in the area. Can you spell f*cked?

    You probably can’t even shower or bathe in this stuff.

    This is Love Canal X1,000,000,000.

    The worst part is that train company is using some contractor to assess the contamination. State and Federal EPA are non-existent.

    The town had a meeting set up with the train co. for night before last at their town hall meeting on the disaster. At the last minute Norfolk Southern canceled their attendance.

    Reason stated: they feared for their safety.

    • Nonsense. Love Canal had been a chemical dump site for Hooker Chemical for multiple decades. Lots more toxic chemicals there than were ever involved in this one train.

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