This Rat Fucker thinks the DemonRats have this covered like there won’t be any serious consequences.
This is what these delusional cocksuckers keep trying to use to circumvent a legitimate electoral win if Trump wins in November.
Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection and Other Rights
- Section 3 Disqualification from Holding OfficeNo person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Contrary to what these Commie Fucks keep telling themselves, Trump has never been convicted of insurrection, for a damn good reason.
They keep dropping the end of the message that he actually said on January 6th and trying to jam a selectively edited version down everyone’s throat while pretending it’s concrete evidence that Trump is guilty of fomenting an insurrection.
Here is what he actually said,
“To peacefully and patriotically make your voice heard.”
Nowhere did he mention violence.
Somehow the DemonRats are physically unable to hear those words and claim he incited a riot.
Lies by omission.
So now this Raskin asshole says out loud that if Trump wins the election that the Demonrats are going to intentionally set up the conditions for Civil War.
Notice right after he says this the very next thing out of his mouth is saying they ( The politicians) are going to need more body guards.
Because I am not going to Fed Post, I am not going to say what I am thinking specifically but I am going to say that there isn’t going to be a hole deep enough for motherfuckers like him to hide in if they go through with this and no amount of bodyguards are going to be able to keep him from the potential repercussions of the treason they have planned and are announcing out loud.
Clueless morons like him think that planning and unleashing a Civil War means that the average American is going to forget who set the conditions on purpose, be too busy trying to survive and that they can just go about their business as usual.
Oh. no. no. no. no pal.
No, I’m thinking that after all the fuckery that has been perpetrated on the average citizen by these Commie motherfuckers over the last ten years, there is going to be a giant, Because Fuck You That’s Why, coming their way.
Especially now that they have managed to completely destroy the economies of half the fucking planet, on purpose.
My guess is that there is going to be another Plandemic in the mean time between now and then to try and kill off as many of us as possible.
They have also basically been saying out loud that it is coming.
A lot can happen in 3 to 6 months.
Right now the economic crash is unfolding before our eyes.

So, Raskin and the rest of you fucking Commie Democrats, Fuck Around and Find Out.
It’s your move.
“…just such an occasion…”.
They’re playing checkers.
We’re playing life and death.
I with you brother.
Well, per MY thread at hiz(dis)zonner on Twatter:
(The breaks are when I ran out of room so to speak)
@RepRaskin: Speaking as a former PSD Contractor w/20+ years of being a gun-bunny, there aren’t enuff shekels on this planet to protect your stupid ass when, mind you WHEN the ‘mob’ decides that you and yours are legit targets. We’re smart. We don’t die for ‘stupid’
@RepRaskin: You -really- need to understand the dynamic that you are pushing. Don’t fool yourself or buy the bullshit. Jan.6 was a -joke-. IF 1/8th of the crowd there was armed and willing, the blood would have flowed in rivers, and we’d be in a whole different spot.
@RepRaskin: This is NOT a FedPoast by a long shot. Just someone who can do basic math. There’s +/-700k Law Enforcement IN TOTAL in ALL of the US. There’s 300m People. If 3% of the US Population decides enough is enough, that’s 9MILLION PPL.
@RepRaskin: Does the name “Custer” ring a bell? Again, DO. THE. MATH. That or get someone with more than a degree in DotGov and JD to do it for you.
Guy is a typical moron.
Can’t wait to see what comes next.
Many in DC believe their Capitol PoPo will serve & protect as a private force.
That’s a head fake. The real steal will come when current VP decides whether to certify the electors.
If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting.
Curtis LeMay
Cut Congressman Jamin Ben Raskin some slack, you assholes. He’s acting under a cultural imperative; just like an Irishman drinks, or a Chinaman eats weird animals, a Raskin subverts his host nation. It’s not his fault, he can’t help it.
Besides, the man’s suffered great personal tragedy. Just imagine the burden he and his wife Sarah Bloom Raskin (a governor of the Federal Reserve Board, sworn in 2010 by then Fed Chair Ben Shalom Bernanke) struggle under each and every day. So back off, eh?
Luciferians always tell you what they plan. They know you’ll forget. And then say “We warned you!”
Cameltoe is probably a smoke screen for another bait and switch during convention time. Rascal, he’s probably on lots of lists
Whatever happens, it will be interesting, I think.
Raskin has cancer. He will be dead soon. Good riddance.
How many mercs does he think will be willing to take a bullet for him or those like him? Who’s going to vet them? And it will be mercs. Because there just aren’t enough USSS. They aren’t going to be doing it out of patriotism, it’s going to be strictly for the money. What happens when, not if, someone slips through the filter and exsanguinates not only the primary, but the rest of the protection detail? Or just leaves the primary alive? How quick are replacements going to sign up for that? And don’t forget the cheerleaders. Who’s going to watch over Whoopie and Morning Joe and Lemon and Psaki andi KJP and all the other shills? He’s obviously never heard of the law of unintended consequences. All theoretical, naturally.
Hell, considering the SS performance at Trumps rally, I like our odds.
Hey, (((Hymie Ratskin))) – You want ‘camps’ and Einsatzgruppen? this is how you Get ‘camps’ and Einsatzgruppen. and no, the ‘Security Services’ aren’t going to be able to ‘protect’ you. Or your family.
It really is getting Freaky how these commies (regardless of of Race) actually believe that there will be no ‘personal consequences’ or actual Danger to them, as they advocate for (un)Civil War in the most Heavily-Armed Nation (ever!) on the Planet…
And they pretend to wonder why they were loaded onto cattle cars back in the day.
Trump was never charged with, nor found guilty of, insurrection.
Nice try.