6 thoughts on “Coming to the day soon we will all be called Vlad…

  1. While I’m glad that Trump is dismantling the deep state that has screwing us for the past unknown amount of time and firing all of these people, why aren’t some of them, at least, being arrested subject to prosecution for at least misuse of funds? These people, at minimum, should be bankrupted and made homeless, just like the Jan 6th political prisoners have been.

    USAID and all of it’s employees committed worse crimes against The People. Maybe that’s coming later?

  2. For Trump to get rid of the 40 million or so illegals in the country requires deporting over 25,000 a day for the rest of his 4 year term. Ain’t gonna happen.
    The ONLY way is to stop the money. No more benefits, free healthcare. Nothing. Not a citizen? Sorry, can’t help, fuck off.

    • The people I know that came into this country legally had a sponsor, a 10,000-dollar bond put up, plus whoever was their sponsor signed a contract with the Feds that said the person they were sponsoring would never use any benefits programs, state or federal. Which makes me wonder what the rules for refugee status are?

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