11 thoughts on “Coming…

  1. And in 3129, apparently, some folks still haven’t mastered the apostrophe. Not particularly surprising.
    “…notifying it is owner…”

  2. Must be the Northwest Pacific Tree Octopi. Hard to develop nuclear power without fire, which is scarce under water.

  3. Meanwhile, out in west Texas, the hit and miss engines in the gas and oil fields that have been running off the natural gas they they are pumping since the thirties are going “pop-pop-swoosh swoosh swoosh-pop-pop-swoosh-pop-pop-pop-swoosh…” with no discernable pattern. Not to go off on a rant but the lack of a pattern or rhythm will keep you awake all night on a campout. The reason I know there is no pattern is because I’ve stayed awake all night counting pops and swooshes looking for a pattern. Several times.

    • I’d be worried what the penguins are upto. Those little flightless bastards are sketchy as F@@k.

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