7 thoughts on “Coffee is cheaper.

  1. It’s like the old saying, “If it flys, floats or fucks, rent it”

    Most people know the two happiest days in a boat owners life.

  2. I’m astounded by the availability of overpriced sweetened coffee. Is there anywhere that ain’t hustling a cup-o-joe (except a Mormon social)?

    • Always good to hear from another logophile Curmudgeon. Sesquipedalian vituperation is a fine art when well practiced. Bravo!

  3. I will take the coffee please. I have worked for Judges and lawyers for many years and have seen how the sausage is made. However, I never really felt, at a personal level, the high prices they demand. Whenever I needed one, it was always short-work and usually in paid in kind.

    Although one of the lawyers in current litigation, batting a 1000, and “so far, so good” by the way, mentioned that I could be looking at a substantional amount in legal fees; i figured in my head two or three grand. I should have asked what he considered to be a substantial amount.

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