12 thoughts on “CO2 is not the problem, but, you can bet Nitrogen is the next greenhouse gas…

  1. THE major greenhouse gas is H2O, whether invisible humidity or cloud cover. Entirely controlled by that big nuclear furnace in the sky. Nothing anthropogenic about any of the “climate change” hoopla.

  2. If they start regulating Nitrogen, do you think they’ll sell it in those whipped cream cans? (Asking for a friend).

    • They, those in power, have already started shutting down farms and modern fertilizer usage in Indonesia and in Europe due to ‘excess nitrogen’ being put into the environment.

      Indonesia is starving now, when once it was selling food to China.

      Belgium and the Netherlands have had huge farmer revolts/protests due to government forcing farms to close.

    • You can’t breath it, CO2, one molecule of carbon and two molecules of oxygen. It is and should be expressed as CO2. Carbon Monoxide is one carbon and one oxygen, CO. You can only breathe two molecules of oxygen bound together. I should have added the 2 and will edit it…

    • CO2 is also used.

      So is Nitrogen.

      Any gas that displaces Oxygen in its O2 form can and has been used as a suicide gas.

    • CO (carbon monoxide) binds to hemoglobin tighter than 02 does so you are suffocated in room air but it is very reactive so it isn’t available except as a product of incomplete combustion.

      The catalytic converters on modern cars complete the burning of CO to CO2 so the old meme of starting your car in a closed garage to commit suicide by carbon monoxide isn’t likely to work, but running a kerosene heater indoors does kill people every year.

  3. They’re already trying to get rid of nitrogen as it exists as a fertilizer. Here in Nebraska it has been abused as a fertilizer in the past and the levels of nitrates in the water have risen to what the government terms too high. The problem is not current use, but past use but the powers that be are using the past to eliminate the current use thereby reducing food production. This is on par with taking the guns away from law abiding gun owners because criminals kill people with guns.

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