10 thoughts on “Classic Country is the best… new country sucks donkey dicks.

    • THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT! That is Country and Western! I love this quote from that yube tube video:
      “And why do I have to listen to Country Rapper crap on the radio while this is all but unknown? Thank you Mike Ness for turning me on to Nikki Lane!”

  1. I’ve no idea who the four at the top are. But I can name all four on the bottom. I suppose that dates me as an old coot.

    • The four on top learned from the four on the bottom
      Just putting their own individuality to the genre.
      All are fabulous and successful.
      Always say thats why there sre numerous dials on the radio.
      Now— shit! Thats dating me.

  2. Mentioned somewhere – here or elsewhere: went to a nearby small town restaurant to check it out. Ceiling speakers were playing George Strait.

  3. Can’t stand the overdone fake southern accents. Most of these assholes are from up north.

  4. Hell, even your bunch are the younguns. I don’t listen to any country recorded after the 1960s…

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