11 thoughts on “Check this out. Too good to be true? I would be prepared to emulate…

  1. The wallstreet apes twitter post had added content that said there only there for the fur corners motorcycle rally.

  2. I don’t know why the Cripps aren’t working the issue. Saudi Aurora is their kind of place. I guess the hispanic gangs are displacing the blacks.

  3. Personally observed a group of Bandidos, maybe ten or so headed that way (not to the four corners) and thought to myself that could be to reason. On I-25 North, north of Pueblo.

  4. If the American gangs don’t get their shit together, these Government-sponsored Venezuelan gangs will be putting them out of business.

  5. While wonder about this(saw a article the Angels/Outlaws gonna work this out together?!)feel the cops would only then respond to issue and arrest the crews.

    I do feel though a lot of folks would in this situation support and even take matters into their own hands(not a bad thing).

    My best friend and her family live in Louisville,next door,they along with many friends there have been ready for this kind of bullshit for a long time.

    The MC’s go hunting do wish them the best of luck and would support if needed any legal fund ect.

    Do feel too good to be true though(@ the moment).

    • Louisville?
      They’ve got more important things to do than go after gangs.
      White and Yellow stripes, that’s what it is all about.
      (Ask your family, I am sure they know what I am talking about).

  6. We used to have a Hell’s Angels presence in our town. They never bothered the locals. There was ZERO crime and ZERO presence of any other gangs. When they left, two other motorcycle gangs moved in, along with DOZENS of Mexican gangs. Things haven’t been the same since…

  7. Nice to see some other Coloradans here. I wouldn’t be surprised if the idiot gov types decide to get involved only when other gangs, especially if they aren’t specifically POC, decide to do something.

    I am, BTW, skeptical about any of the motorcycle clubs doing anything.

    Also, no idea what white and yellow stripes are about.

  8. A decade ago I was out in California on a job and carried my Harley with me. I did a charity Poker Run and got the commemorative tee shirt. The Porch Monkeys hosted the run. The only “Colors” there were Porch Monkeys and they were friends of the Angels. I would ride my bike wearing the tee shirt. I usually leave the area when I see colors are worn. I was at a wine festival where 4 Hell’s Angels and their ole ladies insisted I hang out with them. I quickly let them know I just supported the charity and had no affiliation with the Porch Monkeys. They were cool with that but said there was a rival MC there and it would be safer for me to be with them. Nice people who looked after me for the event.

    I live in GA where the Outlaws have a large presence. I give them all the space they want.

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