3 thoughts on “Check out Tactical Hermit’s site. I am sure the same message was bantered about over 250 years ago by our forefathers of our Independence, All Felons by that time.

  1. When Pedo Joe and his regime point to President Trump and scream, “Felon!”, they forget that all of the people who set this nation in motion faced a British noose and a short drop if they were captured.

    Additionally, where is the justice for Pedo Joe raping his biological daughter over and over?

    Happy Independence Day!

  2. When the gravy train stops, and Joe is put out to pasture, in spite of the family’s wishes, any bets how long it will take for the family to turn on the senile old man.
    All of the horror stories will be retold in the most graphic detail, spun to reflect that Joe was a monster, and they were helpless victims.
    The party leadership, staff, and the donors and power players are trying to cover their own asses after the debate. They realized in a big way after the debate performance that they could no longer gaslight people and convince them that what they were seeing with their own eyes wasn’t true, and that Joe was as good as ever.

    Interesting times ahead, if he won’t step down, he might be “Scalia-ed”

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