DVT, Deep Vein Thrombosis. I went to the hospital late Friday Night.

I had a DVT develop in the small Saphenous Vein about 4 inches below my left knee. Almost immediately my leg swelled to watermelon size and hurt like a bitch and red. I was so bad I went by ambulance, no way I could walk the pain was unbearable, I fucking hate ambulances, my two heart infarcts I drove myself 33 miles to the regional hospital in Troy, Alabama) I was placed on IV Heparin to dissolve the clot. I was discharged this evening, I was a difficult patient, I expect excellence and I wasn’t getting it. The Heparin seemed to work, no indication of clot. I am prescribed blood thinners, but wasn’t told which when I was discharged, it will be sent to my pharmacy tomorrow. So, that is why I was MIA, hasn’t been the first time. I tend not to worry about my phone, I am not wedded to it. Thanks for all’s concern and yes, I got hold of my Catholic Grand-mother… Posting at least for this week will be sporadic as I have a few appointments now thru the week.

Johno’s last known photo.

It seems Johno is in the hospital for a heart procedure; Rotoblasty(?)

Nurse Sandy will be disappointed that she missed out on my groin and leg shaving!  But no doubt the local girls of the International Nursing Cabal managed to record it for You-Tube. This is my fourth heart attack and fifth heart surgery, glad not to have to get a bypass, all via venal delivery.

Please lets join in wishing him a successful procedure and quick recovery. For all of us, especially me that make fun of our Down under Aussie friend, Johno is an intelligent and quick witted fellow. Just a nice quarky guy… I don’t see the beard. It seems here in the US we call atherectomy and the Brits and Aussies call it Rotorblasty… Okay, Deathray, you are up.