Addressed to better call saul. From a female reader that wishes to remain anonymous for now and I agree with that. Take your lumps. She asked why I continue to allow you and some of your incubuses to comment here and several others have asked me that same question. I offer you up as a squeaky toy for my readers. You are the gift that keeps giving.

“He said “Just looking at the permanent tan and broad nose with a flat bridge. I suspect he’s Halfrican like Obama or perhaps Quarterican. I’ll bet that hair would grow out into a nice Afro.”
I say.   What is your actual point?   Are you off your psyche meds or just having PMS?    We all know PMS affects one’s emotions, rationality and causes anger issues.    Do you need a tampon?  I’m sure you will claim to be a man, but real men don’t behave like you do drama queen.   You are likely a skinny jean, man bun wearing, soy boy liberal.   Do you have a nose piercing?    Inquiring minds want to know.   Why are you here stirring up trouble?   Does it give you a hard on so that you can penetrate your butt buddy?   You do know that our beloved blog host is facing a major health crisis, right?    Perhaps you should go rightly fuck yourself and leave him in peace so that he can deal with his health issues.  You are a fucking troll asshole just here to get attention Karen.   I don’t really care Margaret.   Get over yourself.”