I Really, REALLY, Hate To Have To Do This

But I have limited options here.

When I moved to this hosted site after The Great Troll Wars, I paid for 2 years of hosting out of my own pocket. As I recall it was over $500 at that time. Those prices have increased greatly and now to host this site for 1 year, the total comes to $837 and change. With WA Tax added, it will come to a little over $900. With all of my medical expenses over the last year and a half, I just can’t afford that anymore.

As much as I really, REALLY, hate doing this, I am asking for donations to keep the lights on. If I can get close enough I will kick what I can to finish it.

If this turns into a spectacular flop, I will let the hosting expire in Mid September and reactivate an older, free hosted Blog on either Blogger or WordPress. Both of which are famous for De-Platforming people they do not like, without warning.

Something I would greatly like to avoid.

Thank you HUGELY for your past, present and future support.

Phil @ Bustednuckles.com.

Instead of having to go through the pain in the ass of installing a widget, copy/pasting code and installing a PayPal button, I found out that PayPal has a feature that allows you to format a Fundraiser, on their site.

I set that all up so that all you should have to do is CLICK THIS LINK and go from there.

Once again, I really hate having to do this. I know things are tough for everyone, everywhere but if enough folks kick in, I will shut it down when I get enough to reach the goal.

I think what is going to bother me even more than having to stick my hand out, is that I am going to have to Sticky this post at the top of the blog so that every time you come here, my begging will be the first thing that you see, at least until one thing or another happens by Mid September…

But it is what it is.

So on behalf of myself and my buddy CederQ, who without, this place would have folded long ago,

Thank you for your support.