I’m In The Dog House Again

Big Time.

No jury of her peers would convict her.

I couldn’t help myself.

I should have known better than to be cruising Craig’s List at 2:00 AM on a Saturday night.

But it was an offer I couldn’t resist.

New they are running anywhere from $2500 to $3500 depending on where you look.

For just the machine.

I got that, with an upgrade to a brand new 12V motor and controller system that is adjustable for speed, a machinist’s vise plus several milling attachments and a couple of add on lights, for $900.

Easily a $1,000 worth of extras.

The thing is in excellent condition too.

The Wifely Unit is furious.

Mainly because I sprang it on her at the last minute but just for General Purposes because I am spending money too.

It took quite a while and the help of a good friend to get it out of the back of the truck, onto a big metal work table and then back into the garage but it’s in there just waiting.

It has the R8 collet system and I even have a set of those out there already.

The guy was an engineer apparently and had passed away, his nephew is a lawyer and came up from Oakland CA to clean up his estate and said flat out that he knew it was probably worth a lot more than what he was asking for it but he had no use for it and it needed to go away.

So now it’s out in my garage and I can’t hardly get to it to use it.

I gotta get rid of some stuff man.

I’m Telling Ya, They Do It On Purpose.

Yeah about that last part.

I couldn’t tell ya how many times I have run across that one.

There could be fifteen bolts holding something together in a big circle and one of those sonofabitches would be different for no apparent reason.

I really like it when they use a completely different style of fastener too.

Like throw in a Torx bit bolt when all the rest are Allen head bolts and make sure the thing is where you can’t see it.

Hidden upside down in a recess so you have to do it by Braille.

It also never fails that the one odd ball is made out of butter so it strips out or rounds off.

This post was inspired by me remembering that I gotta take the Big Red Dodge back in Monday.

I ain’t even going to tell the Wife about it until it’s done because I don’t wanna hear her bitch about it.

There is something binding up and chattering in the ass end of it after I drive it and get it good and warmed up at highway speed and then pull into a parking lot and have to either back up or make very slow sharp turns,

I’m thinking it’s the chain in the transfer case but it could be in the rear differential.

I ain’t even going to mess with it.

I’m going to drop it off and tell them to call me when it’s fixed.

My days of wrenching on cars are pretty much over at this point.