The Smartest Guy Joe Biden Knows Just Made History And Not In A Good Way

Ayep, someone please correct me if I’m wrong but I do not ever remember seeing redacted pictures of ANYONE, getting a blowjob from a hooker being flashed around the Halls of Congress before.

Major props to Marjorie Taylor Greene for having the guts to pull that one off.

I laughed my skinny ass off when all the hypocrite democrats started freaking out and saying it was too racy when these are the same sick bastards thinking it’s perfectly fine for teachers to discuss anal sex with second graders.

Yeah, fuck you fuckers, eat shit.

Oh and Double Extra Bonus Round, The IRS, The DOJ and The FBI also got slapped around today in these hearings when two Whistleblowers testified that they were prevented from pursuing FELONY counts against Mr. Hunter Biden by higher ups, the death blow of the day going to one Whistleblower IRS Agent, a Mr. Shapely, when asked by “Rep. Gary Palmer: “Was there other evidence in this investigation that you were denied access to?

IRS Whistleblower Shapley: “Yes. The Hunter Biden laptop.

Paging Director Wray to the white courtesy phone, Director Wray,

You got’s some ‘splaining to do now pal. Because we all know that you have been sitting on that laptop since 2019 and you buried it on purpose and directed a monster disinformation campaign about it to keep it buried during the last Presidential election.

To protect Joe Kidsniffer Biden.

Direct election interference, complete with foreign interference. bribery, tax evasion and a an entire dictionary full of Hunter’s perversions just waiting to be fully investigated now that the lid has been lifted.

Oh yeah, today the entire rotten apparatus took a torpedo directly amid ship.

Y’all are going to have to excuse me, I am suddenly feeling a little faint.

All the blood just rushed out of my head.

Sounds Pretty Good

I called CederQ a bit ago but he was out having a steak with family so it was a short conversation.

I told the Wifely Unit he was having steak and she lit right up.

Since I haven’t eaten much in the past couple of days because I was sleeping,..

We looked at each other and I said, ya wanna?

So we are going out and having steaks for dinner.

I’m freaking hungry.

Perhaps a bit later there will be something here worth a visit, right now I’m going fooding.

Catch ya later.


I dunno WTF is going on but except for going to work and coming home to fall down, I have been in bed since Sunday afternoon.

I just don’t feel good and I spent all day yesterday yawning right up until I hit the front door.

Haven’t eaten anything since yesterday at 11. First thing is to stop and get some grub and something for lunch today,

Thanks to CederQ for keeping the lights on, I gotta go to work again now.