The MSM Would Never Allow This To See The Light Of Day Here And Quite Frankly, I Am Amazed The British Did Because There Are Some Bombshell Claims Here

You have to listen closely to what she says because she makes some claims that have been derided as Conspiracy Theories for years that no one has dared speak about out loud and no media outlet in this country would allow to be spoken of anyway.

YMMV but even if 10% of what she says is true then there is a MONSTER Shit Storm coming and it would go a long ways towards explaining some of the weird shit we have seen since day 1 of the Biden pResidency.

The Great Light Bulb Ban Is Now In Effect

Give me a fucking break.

Light bulbs.


They have been around a hundred fucking years and all of a sudden they are some huge fucking problem?

Only in the minds of power mad and really ignorant people.

So of course, just like everything else, The Wifely Unit waits until the last freaking minute to panic.

About light bulbs.

I spent AN HOUR, listening to her demands about what kind of lightbulbs she wanted to panic buy at the last minute and I gotta tell ya, I have never, in my life, seen anyone more anal about what kind of lightbulbs they have to have.

They gotta be GE.

They have to be the EXACT ones that fit her specifications.

Flood lights for the recessed fixtures in the ceiling of the kitchen?

Gotta be GE, gotta be 65 watts and they gotta be BR40, whatever the hell that is.

Has something to do with the physical size or something.

Lemme tell ya something, those were hard to come by last year when I was looking for them locally.

Unobtainium actually.

BR 30?

You could get those by the truckload.

Now? The ones she had to have were $10 each.

The little appliance bulbs that go under the microwave over the stove, bought 16 of those because for some reason it just eats the little bastards.

Had to have GE 65 watt and GE 75 watt bulbs for the bedrooms and porch lights.

We spent $150 on fucking lightbulbs.

I told her she should just get used to the fact that all she is going to get when these are gone is the LED’s.

Oh no, get more.




Is it dark?

Turn on the light.

It don’t fucking matter what it is as long as it isn’t dark anymore.

Because I hate loading mags in the dark, eh?

Not That You Can Tell….

But I hauled two truckloads of tools and machinery out of the garage yesterday.


And after,

Of course now there is crap all over the floor because all of the horizontal surfaces are gone but hey, it’s a start.

The Wifely Unit’s, Niece’s, boyfriend is fairly decent young guy, kinda a musician/hippy type but he is a hard worker and like me, he has a thing for old tools and machinery.

So I loaded his ass up yesterday.

I’m currently waiting on him and his buddy to come back over to move a bunch of sheet metal parts for the Sprite that I have piled up in the back yard so I can pressure wash them and get to a bunch of Allen Bradley tractor attachments that are underneath those so they is going to be moved out to where they are obtained so I can take pictures of them because that Walk Behind tractor with all the attachments is going to be cleaned up and put on Craigslist.

I know it’s hard to believe but The Great Downsizing has begun.

It’s Part Of My Upraising.

Contrary to what you might think, it’s not always about Death Metal with me.

I grew up with Country music due to my Maternal Grandparents and every once in a while a little taste fills a place in my soul.

Certain simple things.

I’m not even sure calling this Country is accurate but it’s about the only platform you will hear it on.

I’m not talking about that Twangy shit or the formulaic crap they play on the radio all the time that all sounds the same to me.

I stumbled across this while looking for something else and gave it a shot, not really knowing what I was going to experience even though it’s a classic from long, long ago.

I’m glad I did.

This works for me.

The star of the show is the instrument more so than the star playing it.

It is a piece of history in it’s own right.