Reposting This On A Friday After A Long Week At Work

More especially, because I know next week is going to be one to remember.

The temps are supposed to hit 100 degrees and there are multiple tear down and rebuilds on big pieces of equipment going on all damn week.

So after we have all busted our asses just trying to survive in this absolutely insane political nightmare era,

we ALL need to remember this.

It’s absolutely true,

these people are pieces of shit underneath our work boots.

Always Remember The First Rule When You Find Yourself In A Hole

Quit digging.

But no. The Woke bastards out there keep throwing it in our faces and the counter attacks just keep coming.

What did I see yesterday about Anhauser Busch having to sell off 8 different brands of beer?

Suck it bitches.

I saw this earlier today on Twatter and for the life of me couldn’t find it again when I got home.

Irish sent it to me and said Leigh had sent it to him so my thanks to both of you!


Courtesy of my pal Irish.

Everybody on this planet needs to watch this video, share it everywhere.

If someone you know got sick or died during the PLANDEMIC,

you need to send this video to your Congress Critter and DEMAND JUSTICE.


They have been playing around with COVID SINCE 1965!

This was ABSOLUTELY PLANNED and it was all about making money.

The Death Penalty is too good for every rotten sonofabitch who ever had anything to do with this, right down to the secretaries who stapled the reports together.

This is a Must Watch, all the way to the end and then share this video everywhere.

Prepare to be infuriated!