My oldest and bestest friend Steve texted me last night with a picture of something he ran across while surfing Facebook Marketplace.

I don’t do Facebook so these kind of deals go by unnoticed.

I have been wanting one of these For Years and I couldn’t believe how cheap it was.

Not only did he find it, he even went and picked it up and delivered it!!

Those kinds of friends are few and far between.

I think we have known each other for over thirty years now.

So anyway, he sends me a couple more pictures and there is even stuff in it!

Double Score.

A Double Decker Drill Index cabinet.

For fifty bucks.

And it even has a bunch of Metric drill bits in it!

Holy Smokes what a score.

Another friend named Steve gave me a whole bunch of drill bits in a plastic tub last year that will fit right in there.

Plus another bunch I have in a drawer.

Hot Damn what a deal.

So here’s to my friends named Steve, you know who you are.

Thank You Very Much!!

Somebody Done Growed Up While I Wasn’t Paying Attention. Holy Cow Have I Missed Out

I remember hearing about Kenny Wayne Shepard way back in the 90’s when he was like some child prodigy Blues Guitar Player.

Later I remember he had a couple of hits and then for some reason he just dropped completely off my radar.

Until Mike over at Cold Fury put up a post featuring him today.

Now Mike ain’t no slouch to begin with. He can rip your face off in his own right when he gets tuned up and rockin’.

So when he features a musician or a band in one of his posts, I generally pay attention.


Mike posted some Kenny Wayne Shepard videos that blew my socks off.

He asks if Kenny Wayne Shepard is The Second Coming?

As in the second coming of Blues Superstars Stevie Ray Vaughn and Jimi Hendrix?

I cordially invite you to head on over there and judge for yourself.

As for me, if I closed my eyes and just listened to him play, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference from the originals.

It’s like they both came back from the dead to kill it one more time.

Thanks Mike.

I didn’t know what I had been missing.

Old Souls And The Last Good Men (updated)

Worth watching IMO.

The refusal to participate in our own marginalization and destruction has begun in earnest and it won’t be long until even the most woke sonofabitch will be wondering why things don’t work anymore.

The Women have finally started waking up after they discovered the Good Men are gone already.

FAFO on a civilizational scale.


I just found this over at Non Original Rants and it fits here PERFECTLY.

This is the future and it is here now.

Government Death Squads Are Here Now

This is the 3rd incident that I can remember hearing about in the last couple of weeks.

 “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.”

Ian Fleming

Grieving Mother Desperate For Answers After FBI Busts Down Door, Fatally Shoots Her Disabled Veteran Son in Pre-Dawn Raid.

By Cristina Laila Aug. 26, 2023 9:00 am

A family is desperately seeking answers after FBI agents busted down the door and killed their relative in a pre-dawn raid last week.

The FBI is refusing to tell a grieving mother why they showed up in armored vehicles at 6 am last Wednesday and fatally shot her son.

According to WBBJ, FBI agents showed up at a residence in Henderson, Tennessee to serve a man named Theodore Deschler an arrest warrant when things turned deadly.

A neighbor told WBBJ he woke up at 6 am after he heard a loud bang.

“I was woken up at about six o’clock this morning. I heard a loud bang. Then I heard a couple more. I heard the loudspeakers, ‘Come out with your hands up. We’re the FBI. We’re not going anywhere.’ Before I knew it, I was coming out to see what was going on and watched them bust out their windows,” a neighbor told WBBJ.

Theodore’s family believes he was unarmed when the agents busted down the door and threw flashbangs into the home.

“It was a senseless act. You know Teddy was a 100% disabled veteran. He had problems. He had severe PTSD. He had depression but he was getting help for it but this was senseless. He didn’t have a weapon on him. He was just trying to get out of the house because it was filled with tear gas,” Theodore’s mother told WBBJ.

The house was destroyed by tear gas, flashbangs and bullets. Most of the windows were busted out.

The FBI-involved shooting is currently under investigation so the family is in the dark about the details of the raid.

WBBJ reported:

From memory, at least two of these FBI raid/.executions have been perpetrated on old and/or disabled citizens.

In other words, shooting fish in a barrel.

I’m wondering what they are going to do when they kick on the wrong door and someone starts shooting back?

I can see multiple reasons why they are doing this and none of them are good.


There is absolutely no reason to be kicking disabled peoples doors in and throwing Flash Bangs into their houses at O’ Dark Thirty other than naked fear of someone having the time and reflexes to start returning fire and one of these Fed Goons not going home for dinner.

These happenings are a demonstration to all that things have just gotten kicked up a notch.

Use that information wisely.

I was involved in a head on collision with a truck this morning.

I was asleep and about 6:30am, I awoke by a hard thump on my head and my right eye was covered in chain. I didn’t know what the hell hit me and trying to get out from it, I thought we had one hell of an earthquake and when I became fully conscience. I saw it was my Power Wagon diecast metal model that I inherited from my father lying by the side of the pillow. I had some hellacious leg cramps last night. I get them sometimes and it must have caused the power wagon to inch forward and then fall on my head when I moved just enough at that time of the morning.

The offending model…
Guido was nonplussed and unhurt but it scared the shit out of her.