Ye Olde Power Hacksaw

I absolutely love old machinery. I see some of the audio gets drowned out there in the middle with all the racket but there ain’t nothing wrong with that, I’m just rambling anyway.

If you like old machinery like I do, I hope you enjoy this little quickie.

Been There, Done That

Exactly this.

Except I was the guy holding onto the steel rod and yep, my buddy missed with the sledge hammer and hit me right on the arm with it.

Trying to knock a frozen U Joint out of the drive line on an old International truck.

I wound up using an arc welder to run a small bead on the U Joint cap to shrink the bastard before it finally came out.

I sure as hell don’t miss those days.

Another Trip Through The Donut

I wanna say this was Cat Scan #3 for me over the years.

It’s gettin’ to be old hat.

Except this time the pretty lady injected some Contrast bullshit into the IV right before I went back through again and it was a weird, almost full body Hot Flash that started in my lungs and went all the way to my toes in about thirty seconds.


So that was about an hour ago, they are looking for blockages in my circulation system.

My money says they find at least 4.

3, I already know about.

Both Femoral arteries are completely plugged up in my upper thighs and from what I gather, in the right leg there is also some little one that branches off and runs around the the right cheek of my ass that is also plugged up.

There was mumblings about that one potentially being a problem because it hangs a hard 90 degree right turn and it’s difficult to get anything started in there to get it unplugged.

I’m betting they are also going to find at least one plugged up real good around my heart because if the ones in my legs are plugged up, the ones around my heart are more than likely choked off too.

According to the Ex- Spurts.


Now I wait for some specialist to look these pictures over and see what they can see.

I started in with this doctor crap clear back in April.

By May, they already knew that both legs were plugged up because of an Ultra Sound test.

You would think, or maybe it’s just me, that they would have scheduled this fucking Cat Scan clear back in June, right?

Oh Fuck No.

Nope, instead they fiddle fucked around with more tests, scheduled appointments with other doctors that took 3 months to see and finally, FIVE FULL MONTHS LATER, schedule me to see a Vascular Surgeon. Who IMMEDIATELY kicked the can down the road and wants me to do some kind of Cardio Walking Therapy, on top of taking more freaking pills, because she is skeered that surgery may turn out with me losing one or both legs, because reasons.

The biggest load of horse shit yet.

They do Angioplastic surgery and install stents in peoples arteries every fucking day in this country alone.

Milking my insurance and my patience is what she is doing.

Trust me when I say, I have already unloaded on every one of these fucking doctors already for dragging this shit out.

Makes no difference.

They have their game and they are sticking to the playbook.

Shut up, show up and get your wallet out when we tell you to.

Motherfuckers anyway.

So that’s how my day ended after working all day.

Now The Wifely Unit has some fucking Doctor appointment tomorrow for something and I had to take the day off to care for our autistic son.

Looking on the bright side, I get a 3 day weekend out of the deal.