Bought And Paid For By The International Banking Cartels

If you have been inundated with images and news stories about Muh Israel, you need to ask yourself this question,

In two days, how much have you seen of the war on Israel compared to the last year and a half of the war in Ukraine?

Biden gave 6 Billion dollars to Iran and a week later here we are. Hamas is using American made weapons they got from Ukraine and Afghanistan.

Because Ukraine is pretty much done for, the U.S. Bankruptcy that is being actively pursued must be kept hidden and all attention to the machinations of the destruction of this country, the scandals and criminality must be diverted by manufactured war in other countries.

For Now.

Rest assured that what is happening in Israel right now is coming to this country right on time, as planned.

It is no coincidence that the majority of most of the millions of illegal aliens waltzing across our wide open border are fighting age males, many of them foreign trained military fighters.

You do not have enough ammo, preparations and tactically trained friends in your personal circle for what is coming.

I know I sure as shit don’t.

Excellent News For Judas Priest Fans!

Former Judas Priest Master Guitarist K.K. Downing has started a new band called K.K.’s Priest, has put out new CD’s and is out touring right now!

This is from two months ago.

I don’t know about anybody else but I think this is freakin’ AWESOME!

I got turned on to Judas priest clear back in May or June of 1979 while living in Coos Bay Oregon.

Not exactly the Heavy Metal capitol of the world by any stretch of imagination.

As I recall, the local radio station played Green Manilishi off of Unleashed In The East a couple times over a two day period and I just happened to get lucky enough to hear it twice.

I called them up, got the name of the band and the album and went straight to the local record store and ordered it.

The rest is history.

Many sore necks from Head Banging, a truck load of blown speakers and permanent hearing loss since that day.

I have seen Judas Priest in concert at least 10 times.

After K.K. Downing left it was never the same.

What This Guy Said

Spineless Fucking Pussies.

Until it gets personal for them nothing will change.

That time is coming soon. As CederQ and I talked about briefly earlier, you can feel it in the air and it is getting thicker, palpable. The guy above is articulating what all of us are thinking.

We The People are seriously pissed off already and they just keep lying to our faces and doubling down with inaction towards anything directed towards accountability and collaborating on the destruction of our country.

Then we have threats shoved in our faces almost daily on top of everything else.

The FBI is now targeting anyone who doesn’t toe the official story line of a corrupt and illegal administration and on top of that, the biggest, most corrupt, criminal, lying fucking whore on the planet says out loud that people like us need to be re-educated.

Fuck Around Find Out Time approaches rapidly.

They purposely continue to goad us in hopes that we will finally lash out and give them the excuse they have been looking for to impose Martial Law and shut us all down.

They think that they can actually herd 80 million heavily armed and deathly pissed off cats.

Apparently they have never heard of Mr. Pinky.

More Kabuki Theater

McCarthy is out as Speaker of the House.

They ALL hate Gaetz already so now they will be out for blood over this.

The MAGA rebels split on the vote, the Democrats are loving the chaos in the Republican ranks and all the rest of us are just going to continue to get fucked in the ass no matter what happens.

Maybe someone can tell me why I should get wound up about any of this bullshit because I don’t see any reason to.