In The Dog House Again

The Wifely Unit is pissed off now boy.

A couple weeks ago now I saw this old floor jack on Craigslist.

The guy says it’s a two ton and it works but it’s all rusty looking.

The ad said it had been posted like 17 days ago.

One look at the price though and I was on it like white on rice.

So I emailed him and never heard anything back for about a week.

Dang it.

This has happened before so just for shits and grins, I tried a different method of emailing him instead of Gmail.

A couple days later I finally get a reply.

Yes it’s still available, sorry it took so long to get back to me, he had gone hunting.

That was Monday.

According to the kinda close map on the ad, it looked like it was fairly close.

He said he didn’t get home until 5:30 and he would text me as I sent him my number.

Nothing again, until today.

Turns out he is like 4 minutes away.

My phone had been blowing up and it woke me up from a nap.

This guy, the pharmacy, CederQ, Irish and my youngest daughter.

All in the space of ten minutes.

So I get woke up, tell the wife I need to go pick up the pills today because I have 2 medical appointments tomorrow.

Google maps takes me to the wrong address.

I put in 13570 so and so street and the fucker took me to 14570.

So I am texting the guy and trying to find his place, wound up going down a Cul De Sac and on the way back out, see the guy standing one house down from where I had just driven past. Nice guy, early 30’s.

No luck hunting unfortunately.

He has the jack sitting on the sidewalk.

I give him the THIRTY DOLLARS he wanted for it and I took one look at it and went to getting the cherry picker in the ass of the truck deployed.

This thing has to weigh a hundred and fifty pounds, easy, plus it’s at least four feet long.

Here’s a crappy picture of it, I’ll take some better ones later and post them.

It was getting dark..

It’s blurry as hell but you get the idea.

It’s like the floor jacks you used to see at gas stations and tire shops back in the day.

For $30….

The Wifely Unit caught me red handed trying to push it in the garage and she is Big Mad now.

You would think she would learn by now but apparently not.

Which is why I don’t even bother telling her about shit like this anymore.

I have a Horror Freight 1.5 ton floor jack already.

Trying to pick up the ass of that Dodge don’t work so good.

I wind up underneath the bumper trying to jack the thing up and me no likey that shit.

Not too mention it barely get’s the thing picked up at all when it’s empty.

If this thing works like the guy says then I will be able to roll it underneath the differential and pump away clear of the back of the truck. And at $30, it was $20 cheaper than any seal kit I have seen to even rebuild a cheap Chinesium jack.

So sorry dear, you may be pissed off but there is a method to my madness.

Even if I have to pay to have this one re-sealed I will be money ahead.

This Is The SHORT List!

These Democrats he mentions have committed enough crimes to send their rotten asses to prison for the rest of their lives yet Trump is the only one facing hundreds of years in jail.

There is going to come a time when their lawlessness is going to be repaid.

It’s inevitable.

World War III, Biden Financing Both Sides Of The Israel/Hamas Conflict, Ukraine’s Bottomless Pit Of Graft And Whatever Is On Your Mind OPEN THREAD

CederQ was talking to reader Greg and Greg requested an Open Thread to discuss the current state of constant U.S. Warmongering.

I for one, am dumbfounded at the amounts of money FJB keeps pledging to everyone but United States Citizens to make all this unnecessary death and destruction possible.

Using general numbers without bothering to put up links, let’s just say that there are about 150 million working people in the United States who pay taxes.

Half of those are slaving away at minimum wage jobs, some two or more at a time.

I couldn’t even give you a wild ass guess as to how much money FJB has already given Ukraine to wage a proxy war against Russia but I know it’s Billions.

Many many Billions.

Now he is talking about a Hundred Billion for Israel and several hundred million for HAMAS, for “Humanitarian Reasons”.

Just where is all that “Money” actually coming from?

Our Great, Great Grandchildren at this point.

That Pinhead Janet Yellen said that we can absolutely afford to fight two wars at the same time.

Bitch please, we can’t even afford to fix the potholes in our roads right now as it is.

Food, rent, utilities, every one of us are getting our asses kicked just trying to keep a roof over our heads and food in our bellies.

The thing about all this throwing money we don’t have around is, is that every single one of us knows that absolutely giant sums of it are being skimmed right off the top for graft and kickbacks and very little of it actually gets used for it’s supposed intended purpose.

This state of constant war is the usual Bankers financing both sides to make money and to keep us distracted from the very long list of alleged criminal activity that has been getting exposed.

That list is very, very long at this point and so is the list of crooked politicians benefitting from it.

In the mean time, thousands of people are being maimed and killed as a result of all of this fuckery and they are the ones paying the ultimate bill for it.

Our Great Great Grandchildren have already been sold down the river before they are even a gleam in their Daddy’s eye.

At this point I’m going to step off the soap box and open it up for you guys to express your opinions.

Have at it, while you still can.