Once Upon A Time, Long Long Ago,

And people can see on my face without me saying a word that their bullshit ain’t flying.

Push it too far and the rabid badger Phil gets right in your face.

I quit putting up with peoples shit a long time ago and the only thing worse with me is fucking DRAMA.


Take your Drama Queen ass and get down the fucking road with that shit.

And I’d Like To Keep It That Way (Updated)

I got an email saying that I had suddenly got a charge on my credit card and wanting to know if it was me that did it.

I’m pretty sure it wasn’t me, my replacement card I got a few months ago after the old one expired is sitting on the little cabinet I use for a catch all that was my Dads and it is still unsigned and still has the sticker on it with the phone number to activate it on it.

I hate credit cards.

So I clicked on the link to dispute it and find that no, there is no charge there and Fuck You Very Much for scaring the shit out of me first thing in the morning.

There was a little message at the top of the screen saying that the people in this country who have ONE, credit card, owe over $7,000 on it.

Good Lord, these people are fucked.

I did a Credit Karma check on my credit and found this.

All zeroes.

Just the way I like it.

Other than the monthly bills, I don’t owe anybody anything.

I can thank The Wifely Unit for that.

She is very frugal, pays our bills on time every month and gets on my ass constantly about spending money.

She pretty much has to, I am allergic to the stuff.

Although I’m pretty sure she carries a balance on hers.

When the Scandemic hit and I got laid off and they were sending an extra $600 for unemployment, she took that extra money and paid everything off instead of us just blowing the money on a new flat screen like some people.

I have used my credit card twice since then and paid it off at the end of the month both times.

They hate my ass because I don’t use it and have had 5 other accounts close for non use since then.

The current state of the economy is killing people, especially people with kids and especially people with teenagers who will eat you out of house and home because they are growing so fast.

Grocery bills are starting to equal what I used to buy junker cars for and drive away in.

I would love to retire but there is no way we can afford that right now. Inflation is killing everyone.

Still, having zero debt is going to go a long freaking way as the economy continues to shit the bed and roll around in it.


Dammit. Here I was bragging about not owing anybody anything…

I just remembered I owe those fucking doctors $2400 for the recent Endoscopy and Colonoscopy.

I just paid those medical bills off in June, another $2400, to catch up from LAST YEAR!

That’s why I couldn’t afford the $850 for Hosting fees.

So I am actually in the hole for that and am making payments on it every month.

Completely forgot about that until just a minute ago.

Even better, now the Vascular surgeon wants an EKG from the Cardiologist I have seen one time almost a year ago and yet another Cat Scan, which hits me in the ass for $1500 a pop, before she does surgery on me. Hopefully, fingers fucking crossed, that will happen in late October, early November.

So I’m not as debt free as I thought.


Dear Mr. James C.

I received your envelope yesterday. I couldn’t find an Email address for you so I am posting this to let you know I got it and to say Thank You Very Much!

I would also like to thank each and every one of you for your donations. I started a new bank account just for that and am still waiting on a new debit card for it so I can use it for the hosting outfit when I go to renew.

So far as near as I can figure, there should be enough to pay for THREE years of hosting when all I was trying to do was to get enough to pay for one.

I just wanted to let you know that this debit card is all I am waiting for at this point plus a chat with the hosting company to see what kind of deal they will give me for a three year renewal instead of just one.

Your unbelievable generosity has rocked me back on my heels and it starts getting dusty at the thought of just how many of you answered the call and how many of you went way above and beyond.

This will be a done deal probably some time next week and I just wanted everyone to know what is going on there.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart,

Phil@ Bustednuckles.com.

This Would Be A VERY Light Load

I would feel naked if this was all I had in my pockets.

It’s crazy How much crap I lug around in my pockets every day.

The front pockets have two sets of keys, a bunch of change, a 4 inch crescent wrench, 2 mini flashlights, at least 1 but usually 2 razor knives, various nuts, screws, electrical connectors etc., at least 1 but sometimes 2 Bic lighters and this is just an average day.

The left hand back pocket has my cell phone and also often at least 1 shop rag hanging out.

The right back pocket has my wallet, at least 1 but right now 2, 6 inch crescent wenches and a 5 inch pair of Knipex Cobra adjustable pliers.

I also usually wear some kind of jacket or hoodie until the temperature hits 75 at a minimum and there is usually a full size 4 In 1 screwdriver, a pack of smokes, a 4 inch flashlight plus a small Klein 4 in 1 pocket screwdriver. Sometimes there is a 1/2 used roll of electrical tape and a few more nuts, screws and electrical connectors.

Add all that shit up and it starts getting heavy. Heavy enough that my elastic suspenders are crying their eyes out trying to keep my pants from falling around my ankles.

It’s a huge relief to come home at the end of the day and unload all that crap onto the little cabinet next to my recliner.

There Is A Word For This

And it rhymes with SEASON


The US Government has started an investigation into BlackRock after BlackRock was exposed for investing $429,000,000 into the Chinese military Democrat Congressman Ro Khanna sold $130k of BlackRock stock just 4 months before the investigation How did he know? Insider trading.