Today is the first day of Black History Month

Now white peasants, supplicate before your mighty “We wuz kings and shiit.” melanin enhanced. I will reluctantly celebrate their miniscule contributions to society when we carve a full 31 day month for white history, because it will take that full month and then some to fully appreciate all the contributions that whites have brought forth.

Well That Really Sucked

The Wifely Unit came down with some sinus crap last Friday and suffered all weekend. I started feeling like crap Monday but it was more of a headache thing for me.

I got home after work Monday with a screaming headache and went straight to bed.

This is Wednesday evening and I am just now getting out of bed.

This has been, by far, the longest and worst headache I have ever had in my life.

I just finished half a bowl of canned stew because I haven’t eaten anything since Monday morning.

I haven’t had a cigarette either.

I finally started big doses of Ibiprofen this morning and after the third dose it finally started easing up. Yeah I know that ain’t good for ya but it does work.

I do have some stuffiness but nothing that should cause such a massive headache.

I very rarely get them and they never last more than a couple hours when I do.

Hell of a way to spend a Birthday.

At least the Wifely Unit got me a box of ammo.

Good woman there.

What Everyone Needs To Remember

I saved this one that I found over at WRSA so it can stand by it’s self.

It appears to me that several million motherfuckers need to keep this in mind.

Ignore the Nazi Symbolism and substitute 50 million pissed off Americans.

Because we even kicked the Nazi’s asses, remember?

The Find Out phase of FAFO is coming.

And if you think I am throwing around bullshit and hyperbole, I would like to test your memory and see if you can remember several miles long Trump support caravans back in 2020?

Utah ‘Trump Train’ Caravan Stretches for Six Miles

Imagine those with heavily armed Americans who have decided enough is enough.

Because it is very, very, doable.