Under The Weather? (Updated)

I dunno how to describe it but I haven’t felt good since before Thanksgiving.

Worn the fuck out, run down, whatever.

I probably need a few good shots of Geritol if they even still make that shit.

I’m constantly fucking tired.

All the time. I can sleep ten or twelve hours and when I wake up I wanna go back to sleep.

I fight to stay awake all day.

The Wife has been yelling at me for over a week to go see the Doctor so I finally went yesterday.


Pretty much a waste of time and resources.

They ask a bunch of questions, take a bunch of blood and tell ya to come back in a month.

Oh by the way, you shouldn’t have quit taking all the medications we have already prescribed for you because that is really bad, mmmmkay?

Jesus Christ.

Oh yeah, I’m a walking talking heart attack waiting to happen.

Funny how now that I haven’t had a cigarette in over a week my blood pressure came down to 136/74 without taking their fucking pills ain’t it? Even with 8 completely blocked arteries.

So now Monday I have appointments all day long with a different doctor.

2 Ultra Sound imaging appointments back to back.

One for the clots in my legs and one to look for them in my chest.

Ten months after I first went in for this shit.

I’d like to slap the taste out of someone’s mouth for dragging this shit out so far.

It should be fucking criminal.

So anyways, after doing that all morning then I finally get to see the vascular surgeon chick again. The second appointment since October.

If the right words don’t start coming out of her mouth I am going to fire that bitch on the fucking spot and then I am going to start calling the best of the best around here, the serious people of OHSU hospital up on the hill over in Portland.

They don’t fuck around over there from what I hear.

I am done playing fucking games with this shit.


I just got some test results back.

Perhaps a smoking gun eh?

Hematocrit is the amount of red blood cells in the system.

Looks like my Red Blood Cell count is low, the Hemoglobin is low and maybe a couple of doses of Geritol wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all.

So now I wait and see what the Doc has to say.

The Big Country Clan Can’t Seem To Catch A Break

Billy sent me a link and a request for a repost announcing that his wife Gretchen has been diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer.

Cancer sucks, full stop.

They are going to need financial help with her treatment because like everyone, their health insurance sucks ass for such things.

Here is the link so you can donate.

Prayers are also always appreciated.

Gretchen is a good woman, I really hate to hear such shitty news.

No Old Train Thursday This Week

There was a small fire in the server room where CederQ gets his internet connection from last Sunday and he has been without internet ever since. Thankfully he schedules some posts well in advance so it hasn’t shown up here yet. they are supposed to get it fixed for him today but we all know how that stuff works. So he wanted me to let everyone know there won’t be a train post this week. He’ll be back as soon as they get the server fixed up again.