Unrelenting Insanity OPEN THREAD

It’s been a while and it’s overdue.

I don’t know about anybody else but I can’t keep up with the firehose of absolute insanity that has been flooding this timeline.

Every fucking day there is something new that causes me to shake my head in disbelief.

What are you guys thinking and does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this bullshit?

Let it rip in the comments.

It’s Time To Batten Down The Hatches

If you have been paying attention, several things added together recently suggest that there is literally going to be a shooting war inside the United States of America in the very near future.

The most obvious clue is the millions of fighting age loner male illegal immigrants that have been invited across our borders by the current illegitimate administration.

The Commie Bastards in charge have also informed us that the term Illegal Alien/Immigrant is no longer allowed to be used.

Fine, then we shall start calling them what they really are.

Enemy Combatants.

Then we have certain states like California who are allowing the Enemy Combatants to be Police Officers and now we have a Federal Judge who says it is perfectly fine for them to own guns.

Those 3 developments alone should be all you need to add up to see what is coming down the pipe.

Everything else at this point is a distraction.

I suggest you prepare accordingly.