It Never Ends

The lawn needed mowing….

So of course Lady Luck decided to go on the rag….

I bought an older Craftsman L1000 from a guy a couple years ago cheap.

Had some issues but finally got it going. It has been fairly dependable. until this evening.

I had to mess with it a bit because it’s been sitting for a while but I finally got it running and went out and started in. Every other time I went to back up, it felt like I was running over something. So I just avoided backing up and finally got it mowed.

I had been having some trouble with the starter hanging up and the blade engagement cable sticking and not letting the blades disengage. So I pulled it up between the cars and went and got the WD-40. The starter mounting bolts were loose so I tightened them up and sprayed the Bendix so it would spin and disengage, then started in on the cable. While I’m messing with that, the Wifely Unit comes and  and is watching. I’m sitting in the seat and pretty soon she points down at the deck and asks what is that hanging down?

I knew the deck was rusting out already and it had some holes in it. I got off and looked and the entire right front pivot arm was laying on the ground, dragging.

It had rusted out at the weld and the whole weld had pulled off. So I unpinned it and threw it off to the side. Time for another deck, this one is too far gone to patch. After I got done messing around, I started it up and because the driveway is slanted, it started rolling backwards. I threw it in gear and let the pedal out, nothing.

It sat there and shit the belt when I shut it off.

The only lucky thing was that it shit the bed, after I got done mowing the yard,

We ended up pushing the damn thing around the cars, up through the rocks past the garbage can, through the gate and into the side yard.

That was it for me. No blood flow to the legs. Both of them cramped up with Charlie Horses and it was all I could do to lean against the mower to stand up.

I am currently on Craigslist and Fake Book Marketplace looking for another deck….

I found an entire mower that looks to be a bit older less than 5 miles away for fifty bucks that has a good deck but no answer and message box is full.

Found a couple other decks for about a hundred, will be making phone calls tomorrow after I get done having a Cat Scan and get back to work.

Antifa/BLM V3.0

You can’t tell me that multiple “HAMAS SUPPORTER” road blockades in multiple cities, blocking multiple highways, all on the same day, were not highly coordinated.

It is impossible to think otherwise.

Chicago airport, Seattle airport, I-5 Freeway in Eugene Oregon, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Tampa, San Antonio and the Golden Gate Bridge.

All on the same day.

Grassroots my achin’ ass.

Of course just like the Antifa/BLM protests and riots, the police just stood around with their thumbs in their asses watching.

For Hours.

This is what’s called a clue.

It’s going to be another hot and violent Summer.

Prepare accordingly.

Quite Possibly The Most Important And Informative Post You Will Ever See About How Our Intelligence Agencies Got Weaponized And Completely Took Over Our Government

Want to know why Congresscritters are so compromised and deaf to our pleas?

Why the very obviously treasonous ones never get punished?

How this whole LAWFARE bullshit got started?

How they stole our last several elections?

How they got away with the Trump Russia. Russia, Russia ruse?

This and MUCH MUCH more is very carefully laid out and explained by the incomparable Sundance over at The Last Refuge.

Be warned, this is a DEEP DIVE into our complex political system and how it is laid out and how it has been completely taken over by the Intelligence Community, by design and over a long period of time.

It is a long read and it will require thinking on your part. My eyes glazed over a few times but I shook it off and re-read what I had to so I could digest it all.

I’ll give you a teaser, the names Barak Obama and Eric Holder are intimately linked to it all.

Because They Want It That Way

Millions of Illegal Aliens, most of them single men of military age, freeloading off the government by invitation.

Unknown as to how many of them are actual terrorists.

Guaranteed that there are military and terrorist sleeper cells in this country.

People who would gut you like a trout without batting an eye.

Our own government has declared that approximately one third of the population are Enemies Of The State and it facillitated the roll out of a known murderous cocktail of toxic substances that it mandated millions of citizens here to have injected into their bodies against their will and conspired with other governments world wide to try and force BILLIONS of people to submit to at the same time.

All the while knowing damn good and well that it would eventually kill the majority of those who submitted to it and at the same time ruthlessly silencing anyone who either spoke up against it or offered any kind of remedy for it.

The Rule Of Law is dead in this country unless you are White. There is literally a War On White People going on as I type and it HAS BEEN going on for several years now with the full blessing of government and the Corporate State.

The Media is a very eager and willing partner in this and is raking in millions of dollars while doing it.

The World Wide War on Farmers is currently raging around the planet so that governments can restrict the amount of available food at their whim in a plan to starve the billions that haven’t already died from the side effects of their Jab campaign.

The never ending push for the normalization of sexual deviancy and especially the focus on sexualizing our children. Encouraging this same deviancy into the ranks of our military while deliberately downgrading it’s ability to defend the country.

Cities across the country where The Ferals are randomly attacking and killing people with zero consequences and stealing everything that isn’t locked down, also with zero accountability or repercussions.

Zero efforts to curb a completely out of control drug epidemic that is resulting in feces covered streets teeming in homeless people in some of the country’s formerly most beautiful cities.

All this on top of the Lawfare that has resulted from MULTIPLE stolen elections being waged relentlessly with new victims daily.

Purposefully destroying the monetary system in a concerted effort to steal every single asset from every single person and install a digital fiat currency with absolute control over every transaction and also the ability to deny the use of the system completely by anyone deemed non conforming to their every dictate.

Are you getting the picture yet?

Eventually this combination is going to achieve Critical Mass and it is going to result in every man for himself.

That is the point where the meme at the top of the page is going to become reality.

Do you think you are even remotely up to that?

Because reality isn’t going to give a rabid rat’s ass if you aren’t.

Expect Things To Ramp Up

Between now and November, the Demoncrats have a two fold mission statement.

Screw around fudging numbers and fiddling with Feel Good projects to keep their base and the easily fooled happy and finishing the job of destroying what they can to finish this country.

Currently they are quite busy doing both.

On the one hand, they are scared shitless of what so far appears to be an inevitable complete Trump blowout.

On the other hand, you can take it to the bank that they have some serious shenanigans in store for the election.

In the mean time the process of completely turning this nation into a Communist state appears to be accelerating.

One thing I can guarantee you at this point, we are all living in a time period that will be studied and talked about for hundreds of years.