Restraining Order Time

Umm, yeah

I would Rattle Can my old truck Green, Rattle Can the Sprite British Racing Green, (even though I hate that fucking color) paint the fucking sidewalk green and find a used John Deere riding lawn mower again just to fuck with this pretentious asshole.

I’m betting a guy could find some green Mylar window covers if he looked hard enough too.

This fucker would melt down in the middle of the street before he even got close to my front door before I was done.

Well, Shit.

Went to see the surgeon lady today so she could look at my foot. I am not kidding when I say this has to be the most painful self inflicted injury I have ever inflicted upon myself. The fucker just screams pain all day like someone is pouring acid into an open wound every time I stake a step on it. She says it is finally starting to heal, but very slowly.

At least it isn’t infected anymore. While I was there I started telling her about the pain in my lower left leg that is now constant, 24/7 and is so bad that I can’t get any sleep anymore. The last 3 days have been absolute hell.

Combine the two and the pain pills I have been taking won’t even touch this level of pain.

So we discussed a possible alternate to what I’m taking now which is called NORCO. It has some codeine in it and a bunch of Tylenol.

It’s been so bad that I have basically been taking twice what the prescription calls for. I looked up what the maximum amount of Tylenol per day is and I am still under that but I still don’t like taking that much.

So she is going to order up something that has just a little more of the Codeine but without the Tylenol. I can’t take that Hydrocodone shit that everyone was getting hooked on a while back. It makes me itch all over like a dog with mange.

She says it’s a histamine release caused by the codeine and they will all do it if you take enough. So we shall see how this new shit works She also said that the pain in my shin muscle is caused by the blockages in my arteries. It’s been so bad lately that I am having to lay sideways on the bed at night and alternate between putting my feet on the floor for a couple of minutes and then putting my feet on the wall above my head trying to flush blood through my legs. I’m having to do this 2 and 3 times a night because the pain keeps waking me up, which means I am getting fuck all for sleep.

Sometimes I nod off sitting up and jerk awake when I start to fall over.

Good times.

Also me left foot goes completely numb all the way to the ankle. I had to get up to piss Tuesday night and took one step onto that foot not realizing it was asleep and wound up bouncing off two different walls trying to keep from falling on my ass.

So we started looking at the the images from my last cat scan in mid December and she says the only thing she can do at this point is another surgery to try and bypass the plugged up artery on my left side right where the Aorta splits into what they call the Iliac arteries.

She got a stent put in on the right side last time but the left side was plugged up with concrete calcium deposits so bad she couldn’t get it all out. So now she wants to bypass that. She isn’t quite sure how she wants to go about it yet so I have another appointment next week. She is talking about using some kind of tubing and tapping into the blood supply on the right side. She says she could also go in to my right arm, literally drill down the side of my rib cage with a long dull tipped poker and connect it that way. I already said no to that shit.

Jesus, I can just imagine the amount of pain that would be involved with that option.

She says there may be yet another option but she wants to consult with some of her peers that apparently already know all about me.

It looks like my charming personality and orneriness has been the talk of the break room before.

So sometime at the end of this month I’m going back in under the knife for a procedure that sounds quite a bit more invasive than the last one that took 2 1/2 months for the incision to heal from.

Oh. Yay.

I can’t wait.

That means I’m going to be laid up for at least another month.

The Wifely Unit is thrilled at the prospects too I’m sure.

I guess I can hope that this one does really make a difference and hopefully I will quit being in pain 24/7 because I can tell you right now that shit sucks ass.

I will update when I get more info.

Always Will

I don’t know about anybody else but I miss the days when cars had style.

I also miss the sound of the exhaust on a finely tuned V8 engine.

When I was younger, I could tell the difference between a Ford, Dodge and Chevy V8 going by with my eyes closed.

Now everything is a hideous face on a rolling soap bubble and I can’t even hear the engines running, if they even have one. I have noticed that all of these electric and hybrid fuckers make a ringing sound when they back up.

That’s why I really appreciate one of these when I see them now.