I was in the scouts, from Cub Scout to Boy Scouts attaining Life Scout, one rank below Eagle. I became addicted to fumes, car and perfumes… When the scout organization started accepting gay scouts, girls and allowing homosexuals to be leaders I sent them a letter requesting in the strongest language to strike my name off of their roles, I sent back my Life badge and my Order of the Arrow badge and sash and other awards and accolades I had. I told them I was revulsed and disgusted with the direction scouting was heading and I wanted nothing to do with them and that I no longer would support or recommend this organization. They can fade away into hell where they belong.

From Fox News, https://www.foxnews.com/

Boy Scouts of America name change becomes official in effort to be more ‘inclusive’

The organization officially changed its name on Saturday to Scouting America

“Scouting America has remained committed to providing youth with a safe environment where they can learn meaningful life skills, create lifelong memories and grow into tomorrow’s leaders,” the organization wrote in the statement. “In fact, more than 130 million Americans have been through Scouting America programs since our founding in 1910.”

Fox News Digital previously reported the rebranding came after a substantial hit in membership during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Roger Krone, president and chief executive officer of the Boy Scouts of America, at the organization’s headquarters in Irving, Texas (The Associated Press)

The organization’s website features its new name, but social media accounts still have the traditional handles.

“Scouting America has helped instill timeless values for multiple generations of Americans,” Krone wrote in the statement. “In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, the values and skills instilled by Scouting are more critical than ever and the need for strong character, ethical decision-making and effective leadership remains paramount.”

Krone added it is reaffirming its commitment to providing a “safe and supportive environment” where young people can develop essential qualities.