A Long Overdue Open Thread

The firehose of crazy is open full blast and it’s only going to exponentially worse between now and November.

I know I can’t keep up with all the stupid going on. Every fucking day now they raise the bar a little bit higher.

Umm, yeah, it’s only Tuesday but it feels like a whole week already.

So what’s on your mind lately?

Inflation, WWIII, The bullshit going on in the Middle East and now Africa?

The WEF, U.N., Government misdeeds, gun control, etc. etc. etc.?

Whatever you want to talk about, have at it.

Adventures In Small Engine Repairs

Don’t you dare tell anyone but once in a while I can be a nice guy.

There seems to be an instant kind of negative Karma attached to it though.

I try to be nice and help somebody out and it winds up shitting in my face.

This little story is a perfect example of that.

There is this guy that lives down the street from me I talk to occasionally. The neighborhood mailbox is right across the street and I see him every once in a while.

He’s a nice guy, hard working little bastard and he has had a bunch of troubles over the last year or so.

He was working as a baker at a major brand Bread outfit over in Portland on graveyard but he got fucked up in his neck or something and they wound up letting him go.

He was out of work for quite a while.

One day about a year ago now, we were talking and he sees the garage door open and gathers that I have some mechanical aptitude so he starts telling me about this fucking Pressure Washer that he bought a few years ago that he could never get started.

It sat new in the box for a long time from what I gather.

It has zero hours on it and when he tried to return it they laughed at him and told him to pound sand.

Too much time had passed.

So I felt sorry for the guy and told him to bring it to me and I would see what I could do.

I think that was sometime around last fucking September or so. Either way it was a long time ago.

I messed with the damn thing and messed with it.

The valves were way the hell out of adjustment, like enough to jump off the little push rods. Nearest I can tell, it’s a little Honda knock off, and a Harbor Freight Predator type engine.

I couldn’t find shit about it going by the name and model number on the pressure washer.

So about last October or so. I threw my back out pulling on the bastard and I haven’t felt good ever since so it just sat.

A month or so ago I pulled it out and tried again. The guy is in no hurry.

I messed with it and messed with it and actually got to run for like, one second.

It acted like it had no compression sometimes and once again I threw my back out yanking on the fucker so I took the pull rope assembly off and turned it with an electric impact gun and a socket.

Still no love.

So today I tried again but this time for sure the little fucker had no compression so I got pissed off and tore into it.

I yanked the head off the little cocksucker and bigger than shit, there it was.

It’s either a piece of Zip Tie or some other hunk of plastic that was holding the exhaust valve open.

I took that out, put the thing back together, hooked up some water and put some gas in it.

It started on the third pull and proceeded shaking so hard it blew the pull starter mechanism off.

I had noticed it acted like it was sticking earlier.

The diagnosis there is that when I was using the electric impact I tightened the pull starter cup up so tight that I bent the cheap assed little tin cup

Luckily I had loosened up the bolts on the pull starter mechanism so it would turn and it didn’t break or strip and of the bolts and holes.

They just backed out in a big hurry.

After I tried to straighten the cup out with no luck I said Fuck It and put everything away.

At least I saw it run finally.

I came in the house, got online and went straight to Amazon.

$14.50 or so later, it will be here tomorrow.

I also went and got a new spark plug earlier because it looked gas fouled.

When that shit gets here tomorrow, I will bolt it on, fire the thing up just to make sure and then go find this guy.

In the future whenever I get the urge to help someone out, I will grab a hunk of steel rod and hit myself in the nuts until the urge to help goes away.