Your Reactions To The Trump Verdicts? (Open Thread)

As I have gotten older I have been able to suppress my impulsiveness to some degree.

I don’t let things get to me as much as I did when I was younger.

I don’t drive like a maniac anymore and I don’t let my anger get the best of my mouth either.

Yes, I am angry at this obvious travesty of justice.

No, I’m not going to run out and run amok over it.

The people behind this obviously knew what the reaction was going to be to this.

They don’t seem to be the least bit concerned about it either.

Let’s be honest here.

Trump can easily draw a hundred thousand people to his rallies.

I have been to high school keggers that had more people at them than a Biden rally.

People are saying Vote Harder come November.

I will be surprised if there is even an election at all.

Think about it.

Let us also not forget the last Deagle population estimate for the United States in 2025.

Deagel Forecast: According to the Deagel forecast, the US population is projected to fall by 50-70% by 2025″

Which has since been scrubbed of course.

This is mid 2024, that leaves six months on the inside for that prediction to come true, long after November.

Anyway, I’m not getting riled up about Trump getting convicted in a New York Kangaroo Court.

Much can happen between now and November but as it sits right here, right now, Trump’s popularity just took a huge jump thanks to these morons.

So what are your thoughts?

Leave ’em in the comments.