20th Anniversary of Marvin Heemeyer’s epic drive through Granby, Colorado. June 4th 2004 with his 85 ton armored Komatsu Bulldozer.

H/T and thanks to Mr. Mayo: More up Phil’s alley…

> Music’s extreme metal community has also found common ground with
> Heemeyer, according to Pat Jarrett, a 41-year-old bass player for the
> Virginia sludge metal band named — wait for it — Heemeyer.
> While Jarrett says he and his bandmates lean to the left on the political
> spectrum, they understand the alienation and frustration that fueled
> Heemeyer’s actions 20 years ago.
> “Marv Heemeyer is a kind of folk hero in the extreme metal community,”
> Jarrett said. “Certainly, his rampage was unreasonable, but he was pushed
> to the point of pushing back. And there’s catharsis in that.
> “I understand that feeling of wanting to hole up in a garage and build
> something I could bulldoze with.”
> A Swiss thrash metal band named Xonor has a song called “Killdozer,” as
> does Canadian doom metal band Dopethrone. North Carolina metal band Lords
> and Liars released its own “Killdozer” track.
> “Focused. Deliberate,” the lyrics go in Lords and Liars’ version.
> “Nothing will stop him but his equipment. Rage born. Revenge machine.
> He’s going down a way that’s been never seen.”
> “Marv is part of the lore of heavy metal,” Heemeyer’s Jarrett said.

Since I’m not a metalhead, I wasn’t aware of the “sludge” variant.

Self Cancelling Stupidity

Also known as a Clusterfuck.

Free Palestine Protesters blocking Philly Pride Parade

I don’t know if it’s just me but I think that there are WAY TOO MANY people in this country who don’t seem to have to spend most of their time having to work, pay bills, take care of personal business and put food on the table.

Instead they have plenty of time and money to find ways to interfere with those of us who do.

They are the very definition of Useless Eaters.