Read It And Weep Libtards And New World Order Types

This is literally just the beginning.

I have said repeatedly that the pendulum always swings both ways.

German, French far-right gains offer signs of shifting tone in E.U. Parliament vote

Opinion polls predict the pro-European liberals and Greens will lose seats as climate change takes back seat to migration concerns.

(My Bold)

Check it, that’s NBFuckingC news too.

I bet it killed ’em to print that,

That little Shitweasel Macron in France got crushed by a two to one margin.

France’s Macron Dissolves National Assembly After Le Pen Victory in European Vote

Marine Le Pen’s far-right party handily beat Emmanuel Macron’s party in European Parliament elections

Macron dissolves the French parliament and calls a snap election after defeat in EU vote

You can be sure there is more coming.

People all around the world have fucking HAD IT with these fuckers and are pissed CLEAR the fuck off now.


Add Belgium to this list.

Belgium’s Anti-Trump Prime Minister Resigns After Suffering Right Wing Election Victory

They Can’t Say They Weren’t Warned, This Is Awesome

When the Saxon began to hate in real time.

And as CederQ and I have agreed to many times, it’s when the women get fed up and tell their men to go kill some sonsabitches is when it all starts.

Courtesy of

Washingtons ghost


I found the whole clip on Youtube.

I normally do not edit Phil’s post. I wanted to add this. No more brother wars. It will be whites banded together this time. We will not be swayed by the jew influence to kill our white brothers.

Trying To Keep Busy Even When I Don’t Feel So Great

It’s a Guy thing, I swear.

Ya feel guilty for not doing anything, even when you really don’t want to.

Off and on over the last few months I have actually got a few things done out in that garage.

Some I already posted about.

Last week at work was a killer but we finally got shit back together and running Thursday evening. Me and another guy plus two outside Millwrights who specialize in Cut To Length Steel flattening machines put the finishing touches to a big Gear Box and Mandrel that holds the big coils of steel so they can be unwound. We wound up working late and the other two worked even later than us to make sure it actually worked after we tested it.

Friday thankfully was pretty chill because I was pretty much wiped out.

When I got home Friday however, I was still pretty much wiped out and I pretty much went to bed after trying to sleep in my recliner for an hour or so.

I slept about 16 frikkin’ hours too.

I also felt like warmed over dog shit when I did wake up.

A couple of cups of coffee and a couple smokes later, I texted my buddy from work and let him know what was going on and to ask him if he felt alright. He said he was good but let me know that one of the two Millwrights, the one I worked next to, had been sick earlier in the week.

Fuckin’ great.

Nice of someone to mention that before we were working right next to each other.

I don’t feel sick, I am just wiped out tired and my whole body hurts.

I took a pain pill, washed it down with coffee and started in about noon.

One of the smoke alarms in the bedroom had started chirping about 5:30 this morning and the wife was forced to flee to the Kid’s room so she could sleep.

I slept right through it.

That meant I had to dig out a ladder, a bunch of 9 volt batteries and go around changing batteries in all of those fuckers, first thing.

After putting that away, I had to go put gas in the wife’s car because she had some running around to do and when I got back from that, I threw some Freon in her beastie like I do every Summer to get her A/C working again.

She’s too cheap to get it fixed and there’s no fucking way I can do that job anymore. Front wheel drive nightmare.

Gotta get some more of that Freon too.. I have to go to Portland now because the Commies here in WA. State outlawed the little cans.

Can’t have the Peons being able to put Freon in their own vehicles now.

Think of the environment!

Cock Fucking Suckers anyway.

So I got that shit done and took a break.

Still felt like death But Wait! There is More!

Decided to go out in the garage for a while.

Fixed a donated Dewalt angle grinder. I had 2 that were dead.

One donated a set of brushes to the other then went in the trash so I got a free angle grinder out of the deal for twenty minutes of messing around.

As I was sitting there resting and looking around, that Mill Drill I bought last year and have used a whopping 3 times since, as a drill press, jumped in front of me.

I had done some work around it recently but had never really cleaned that thing up.

It was rusty and dirty as hell.

So I started cleaning it up.

A couple weeks ago I had installed an air/oil misting system and had bolted a back screen down plus bolted the electronic speed control box for the mill to it too.

The little Air Brush compressor I bought off Flea Bay. It isn’t strong enough so I have to upgrade it soon.

The oil/air mist mixing system that got donated when a monster band saw got scrapped at work.

Originally it had an electric control solenoid but I yanked that and put a Ball Valve in instead.

All going to a small nozzle on a flex arm I bought two years ago off Amazon or Flea Bay.

I was going to put it on a lathe at the time but never got around to it.

All this while really not feeling too great.

My legs are so bad now that after an initial burst of energy getting something done, I run out of steam pretty fast and have to rest. The more I do, the longer the rest periods are and the less actual work gets done. Last weekend when I was doing yard work, it got so bad that I could only work about two fucking minutes before I had to sit down.

Still waiting on fucking doctors after over a fucking year now. I’ve been anemic since the first of the year at least. They won’t do a fucking thing about that until I have a colonoscopy to rule out internal bleeding. I finally have, GET THIS, a fucking ZOOM appointment on Monday. I have to take half a fucking day off, to do a damn pre screening question interview, over the fucking internet, before they will schedule an actual colonoscopy.

Something that could be done on a piece of fucking paper!

Hand me the questions, I fill it out and hand them back. But No, that’s too fucking easy and we can’t justify the outrageous amounts we charge for insurance that way. Plus we get to hire another flunky.

So SOMETIME this Summer, MAYBE, I will finally get some damn surgery done and some stents put in. HOWEVER, there’s always at least one of those, the surgeon WILL NOT TOUCH, any of the blocked arteries in my legs. Way too much risk of stroke they say.

In total, from just above my belly button down to my ankles, I have EIGHT blocked arteries.

Both Femoral arteries are 100% blocked at mid thigh.

What they want to do is go in at the creases in my legs at the abdomen, go up where the Aorta splits in two and eventually turns into the Femoral’s, and clean all that out. There are multiple blockages there and the hope is that by opening that area up, more blood will be able to magically find it’s way into my legs.

Whatever, just do something for crying out loud.

I can barely walk 100 feet at one shot before having to sit down.

It gets shorter and shorter after that.

So anyway’s this is already way too long but there is a brief glimpse into what’s been going on with me.

I do what I can do.

Even when I feel like shit.

I will remain ornery until the day I die.

I promise.

The American Spirit Is Alive

I saw this guy pulling out of my neighborhood this morning on the way to work and I waved him to a stop in the middle of the road so I could take a picture.

I told him I was going to make him famous and gave him the name of the blog.

We shall see if he can find it.

I love this little unit .

It looks like it is literally being held together by BFYTW.

He’s got a good start on it.

He must have been working on it since last year because I had never seen it before.

Good Onya Dude.

I was going to send it to CederQ for his Trucks posts but couldn’t wait.

It’s Been A Long Week

They had their Big Money Maker break down Sunday night.

First thing Monday morning it was assholes and elbows and it’s been that way ever since.

I just walked in the door after 11 hours and I am seriously fucking whooped.

My legs, feet and back are all killing me.

They were starting it up to run after we tested it when I left.

Of course now tomorrow, we have to try and catch up on all the other bullshit that fucked up, the usual maintenance shit.

We’ll be playing catch up until mid week easy, IF, this fucker don’t break down again.

That’s why I haven’t been posting much.

Anyways, hit the Blogroll for some entertainment and we shall see how I feel tomorrow night.

Thanks for stopping by, CederQ and I both appreciate y’all very much.