What Part Of GET FUCKED Did You Not Understand Last Time?

As far as I’m concerned there is more than enough evidence right this minute of hideous side effects and premature death associated with their fucking jab to warrant arresting every motherfucker even remotely connected to the damn thing and trying them for pre-meditated first degree murder on a planet wide scale.

The fact that they are still pushing for people to put that poison in their bodies is beyond my comprehension.

I still can’t believe some of them wanted us to forgive them for the way they treated us for not rolling over and taking that jab either.

Fuck You Then and Double Fuck You Now.

It’s Worse Than You Could Possibly Imagine, A Map Of All Of The Food Processing Plants That Have Caught Fire Or Been Destroyed.

Time and time again I have reminded you that food is the Communist’s favorite weapon.

They are absolutely planning a World Wide Famine, the sheer amount of incidents defy any odds.

This short video is going to surprise even the most ardent conspiracy theorist.

I found the link to this originally at Steve Quayle’s site.