Sold Me On Some

I have been carrying a knife, small flashlight, Bic lighter and a small 4 inch crescent wrench in my pockets for over 20 years now.

I stumbled across the following video earlier today and immediately got on Amazon and ordered some of the goodies this guy is going to show you.

It won’t let me embed the video so you will have to click in the highlighted words above.

The very first thing I ordered was the little 711L ratchet,

It’s a1/4 drive bit driver that is only two inches long and can hold some specialized 1/4 inch bits either in the head or inside the handle. Of course it will hold regular 1/4 inch bits in the head too.

I can think of a million times that I wished I had something like it for tight spots.

The specialized bits are double ended but really short.

They are Steinwhale 10in1 Short Stubby Mini Screwdriver for tight spots, Cellulose Acetate Fiber Made Handle, Double-headed High Hardness S2 Steel Bits,

I also ordered some other goodies he mentions in his Every Day Carry Kit.

I can’t wait to get my hands on these little goodies.

I also ordered a little pouch kinda thing to hold it all that will fit in my pocket.

I already carry the new Milwaukee razor knife that has a 1/4 inch bit holder on it that flips out so the little bits will also fit in that.

That and a small 4 inch Crescent wrench, a 6 inch Crescent wrench in my back pocket along with a small pair of Knipex Cobra adjustable pliers in the same back pocket.

Then there is the Kline Multi Bit pocket screwdriver,

and a cheap Chinesium larger version too.

All in all, it gives me a fighting chance to fix innumerable small problems I run into on a daily basis without having to lug around a big tool bag.

Of course all that little stuff adds up and my suspenders get a workout all day, every day.

I thought I would share the little ratchet and bits but I recommend watching the whole video up above.

A Rabbit Hole With A Can Of Worms At The Bottom

Oh, My…..

Click on the Oh, My link above and go read the whole thing and the comments too.