Does Anyone Else Feel Like A Giant Weight Has Been Lifted Off Of Them?

I kid you not, for the last year at least, every day was like absolute evil was running amok and bad shit was being flung around like confetti in a wind storm.

Some days, multiple nightmares would be unleashed. It got to the point that bad news was being announced like it was coming out of a fire hose.

Nobody could keep up with the crazy and evil shit the Fuck Joe Biden administration was dishing out.

True to form, they did this country wrong right up to the bitter end.

It is finally over.

Fuck Joe Biden, his absolute cunt of a wife, that drunken whore of a Vice President and an entire cast of twisted and mentally fucked up, degenerate appointees are out and common fucking sense is on the menu again.

Trump, in one fucking day, has already reversed hundreds of FJB’s Executive Orders, freed the political prisoners locked up by the Kangaroo J6 court and spoke directly to the people and to reporters while doing so, more than FJB did in six months.

No mumbling, no yelling at anyone, no threatening and no wandering around lost trying to get off a stage.

Donald Trump hit the ground running and while watching him answer questions and signing new Executive Orders reversing Biden’s Communist agenda, I literally felt a giant load of dread simply vanish.

Every day for the last 4 years was another round of dreading what the Commies running Joe Biden behind the scenes would come up with next.

True to form, they tried fucking us over until the last possible moment.

It will literally take DECADES to UnFuck what they did to this country.

Long after I am gone will people be trying to undo what they fucked up.

But now they are gone.

Thank you God and I absolutely mean that with all of my heart.