
Just another mechanism for control and Satan worship. A lot of fancy marketing and weasel words to get you to participate in your pleasurable enslavement. The irony is you have to buy or rent the ‘Orb” to sucker people into control. That is all this is, a way for one world currency and control. The premise is you have to verify you are human. What, me standing in front of you with bad breath, belching and farting and dressing funny doesn’t prove I am a homo sapiens sapiens? A wise human (Homo is the Latin word for ‘human’ or ‘man’ and sapiens is derived from a Latin word that means ‘wise’ or ‘astute’), not so much.
Well I just plumb forgot! It’s Pearl Harbour Day.
I informally study a lot of old historical pics and what gets me is the speed with which things change. One day the world is coping with the usual tensions. On Dec.6 the brass hats and politicos are all tweaking noses, snubbing each other, rattling sabres…and on Dec.7 the world changed forever. Nor would it ever be the same again. Pearl Harbour is choked with acrid black smoke, filled with wrecks… and the squaddies and swabbies dash madly about putting out fires, tending to the wounded, and wondering what the hell happened.
It’s something to ponder today. The Kraine and Israel are raging dumpster fires. Biden’s handlers are pouring gas on them and hooting in delight as the flames roar up, and drowned out by the noise, Putler warns of Russia’s heightened state of readiness. Apparently the ICBMs are fuelled, armed, and ready to launch.
I think the world is going to change soon. I feel it in the winds.
If a Canadian can feel it, and we feel it. Remember your school duck and cover drills from your youth. Who knew those flimsy desks could save us?
From Karl over at The Village Hemorrhoid: https://thevillagehemorrhoid.blogspot.com/
I try to pay a little attention to what’s happening across the northern border but I know very little about Pierre Poilievre other than he is on the same political side as conservatives here in America. And I like his take no shit attitude towards the media.
The left wing stooge was trying to frame it as, Why should voters trust a radical, extremist, right wing, fascist nazi like you? Poilievre would have none of it, and broke the guy down in real time. Then he slam dunked at the end. All the while just enjoying his apple.