Category Archives: Coming soon…
Phil posted this on the other blog and not here, I remedied that.

Thoughts Igor?

From Vox Day over at Vox Popoli.
SF is Dying and LA is Next
The store looting community have migrated from San Francisco to Los Angeles:
Dozens of thieves ransacked the Nordstrom, smashing displays and stealing an estimated $60,000- $100,000 worth of merchandise, authorities said.
Police responded to the scene around 4 p.m., but no arrests were made.
Videos show thieves clad in black, wearing face coverings, grabbing clothes and running out of the store.
“What happened today at the Nordstrom in the Topanga Mall is absolutely unacceptable,” Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass said in a statement. “Those who committed these acts and acts like it in neighboring areas must be held accountable.”
That’s a lovely sentiment. But the reality is they aren’t held accountable.
These smash and grab robberies have become commonplace in big blue cities — even running nearly all major retailers out of a once-booming downtown San Francisco.
The same thing is happening in London. An astonishing number of retailers, major and minor, have been driven out of downtown San Francisco already, now Oxford Street and the Topanga Mall appear to be the next sitting ducks.
Europeans became civilized after several centuries of methodically executing thieves and imposing other violent forms of civilization. Asians went through the same refining process, but even longer. Africans never went through it, which is why the dyscivilizational genetic patterns that were significantly reduced in the other primary human sub-species are still prevalent in them. Evolution by artificial selection doesn’t produce new species, but it does produce better-behaved animals and human beings.
So the people of the West have three choices. Either impose the same cruel and merciless system of punishment on petty criminals today that the medieval Europeans did or watch civilization collapse in every single major city with a substantially vibrant population. Or, of course, bring back freedom of association and segregation, but we know that won’t happen until society itself collapses.
The nations will be homogenous again; the patterns of history are inevitable and the diversity of today is imposed, subsidized, and artificial. The only question is just how terrible the process involved will be.
Posted on by VD
No changing this behavior, it is ingrained and reinforced and even celebrated. When people do step in, they are the ones charged and jailed. It will not be stopped until we adapt medieval Europe’s long history of dealing with thieves, murderers, rapist. A one day short trial or decision by a magistrate and a quick summary pronouncement of guilt and a quick execution or a prolonged torture and then death. Gallows and wood chippers will be in vogue… Kevin.
Good for carry in McDonalds or most cities as EDC…

It’s coming, be prepared, be diligent and save those greenbacks for asswipes.

From Area Ocho, listen to this and take heart. Post: Now They Tell Us.
They’re going to try again, you know it!

Being judgmental, it says so and nothing wrong with that. We are going to be judge a lot soon.

What more needs to be said?