When it comes out in a meme…

Some of ya’ll know I do medical chart audits for a law firm and have for the past two years heavily. They are all related to the mask mandates and mRNA injections sheeple have been taken. When a meme is created it means the crap is about to hit the propellers… The law firms representing the plaintiffs are close to or have submitted claims and the courts and opposing attorneys are gearing up…

H/T to MidWest Chick https://nonoriginalrants.blogspot.com/ for posting this gem.

Harken back to a time before Civilization became civil. It will be our savior.

“It was so called civilization that blunted a man’s innate brawling instincts and tamped down his evolutionary compulsion to control others through force. Only prison or war could ultimately free a “civilized” man to be his true self by stripping away the outward restraints society imposed upon the born savagery of Homo sapiens.” Clive Cussler/Mike Maden, Firestrike; A Novel of the Oregon Files