Be stronger than you ever thought you could be.

Trump didn’t save us and he will not save us, that is up to us, always has been. We as American citizen have become too complacent, too wrapped up in our creature comforts. That needs to change now. Men to ball up and be something our Forefathers would be proud of, they would be stacking bodies now. We have let the queers, lesbians, cat women, faggot, soft men and sociopaths into our schools, our colleges, our armed forces and government. Time to take the trash out and burn it.
Trump, and again I say it, will not save us. Trump will provide some breathing space and will hamstring the federal agencies and bureaus. Rain in the DOJ hamstring the FBI, ATF etc… That is if that is in has unspoken agenda, if he can, if not, we sweep him away. He is not a savior. History, if you have read it and understand it, these tyrants arise every so often, often enough that it is in our DNA I surmise. History is acutely aware of past genocides, atrocities and terror beyond out soft imaginations. It will cull the herd. Family members will perish, you will perish, so act like your dead already, because you are and eliminate your foe.
Personally, I think these Commie bastards are going for it. We now have the beginnings of a real October surprise. Don’t think that this longshoreman’s strike is coincidental in it’s timing. I believe that this is being done in full support of the Wannabe Bolsheviks in charge. Wait until the panic starts when people realize that among the other things being strangled are important medications and oil. No Meds and no fuel and this has the support of the (Illegitimate) Biden administration. Food is going to run low as deliveries stop and re-supplying doesn’t happen. “Although President Biden has the power to force an end to the strike, he has not indicated that he will do so for now. On Tuesday evening, he posted a message on X supportive of the strike: “It’s time…ocean carriers offered a strong and fair contract that reflects ILA workers’ contribution to our economy and to their record profits.” (1) Every revolution needs a vehicle and these motherfuckers are pulling up in a bus. Their time is now and they are seizing the moment. Trump is going to destroy their global order and they cannot allow him to re-enter the presidency at any cost. I think in the near future that some of the states are going to intervene in the strike and some of the other larger unions are going to jump on board. I also foresee all the benefits being cut off to the millions of illegals that they have brought in to make them desperately take to the streets. I seriously believe that they have this all planned out and before the election we are going to be plunged into chaos. It will be up to us then to react and in a way that they have not anticipated. They may not realize that the chaos they create is going to affect the cities that are their power base. “Flyover country” is where all the goods and food come from within the interior. If they want strikes and shortages they may get more than they bargained for. Nothing in, nothing out. Shut off and lock down all the seaboard cities, the highways, the fuel, the trucks; Escape from New York times ten or call it a good old fashioned medieval siege. If this happens, it is going to be for real and it is going to go hot. Power grids will be going down and essentials like water and food will be scarce to gone. Hope that I am wrong because if I am not we are going to be in for a ride that will not end until one side or the other is crushed.
Just be prepared and harden that heart and turn to Christ…
Somewhere in the depths of solitude, beyond wilderness and freedom, lay the trap of madness.
Edward Abbey, The Monkey Wrench Gang.
The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
Edward Abbey, A Voice Crying in the Wilderness.
Retired Navy Captain Hung Cao knows what living under Communism is like. Cao is running for U.S. Senate in Virginia. This is an excellent campaign ad.
The Village Hemorrhoid, https://thevillagehemorrhoid.blogspot.com/