Careful With That Rhetoric Demoncrat

For now, we do not have a real President, we have an installed ass clown puppet and every motherfucker out there knows it.

THAT, is Treason.

Rigging elections, is Treason.


What we have now is the result of a coup and the result of DECADES of vote rigging and stealing.

At this point there is no voting our way out of this.

The retards on the Left keep intensifying their rhetoric aiming to genocide the rest of us.


Be advised that it isn’t going to be as easy as you wish it may be .

It seems to me that a whole lot of people have forgotten the principle of the Pendulum’

It may take some time but it always swings both ways.

Communism has a much shorter average lifespan than even most Empires and Republics.

The current war we are in is actually against the people who think they can control the entire planet who are just using Communism as a tactic in the larger war.

It makes for a nice distraction.

The Oligarchy are our real enemies and if you cut the head off that snake then the rest will all fall apart.

All of the political Kabuki and the multiple attempts at dividing our society come from that single source.

We are at war, most people just don’t realize it because it’s a psyop war and not a shooting war.

It could well be that we start with a shooting war to thin the ranks of the Useful Idiots but make no mistake, our true enemies need to be very publicly identified and those identities and their methods of attack need to be disseminated on a world wide scale.

There is a Cabal and they are the true targets if we want to win.

4 thoughts on “Careful With That Rhetoric Demoncrat

  1. Everything accurate, and scary. The democrats with their plans are all traitors to the country and the CONSTITUTION. They piss me off. And they were ready for a civil war when they started this shit. Too bad the conservatives are so scared of manning up and loading their muskets. Republicans and conservatives are useless in overseeing this wonderful country.

  2. The hard part about cutting the head off of THIS snake is finding it.
    Pedo Joe and Horizontal Harris are NOT the head….they are just
    the mask. The puppets who give the crime cabal a face. The REAL
    people running the show, making the decisions and working hard to
    destroy America are for the most part unelected, unaccountable and
    mostly anonymous. To end the lefts crime spree requires flushing them
    out into the light and exterminating them. Not an easy task.

    • Dan, they’re hard to find, because they are so rich and powerful that they are way above the Gates and Soros league of evil fvckers.
      Oh, and they might live off planet.

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