8 thoughts on “Can’t Say We Didn’t Try

  1. Anyone not yet awake has been beyond help since at least 2021. They’re either stupid, or smart enough to create an alternative universe in their mind that ignores what’s going on.
    Either way, both extremes are not worth trying to reason with.

    • To be fair, most of my former ‘frenemies’ are still grappling with 9-11 and the hoax moon-landing. How exactly does one explain anything to a former-friend that believes that hoaxsters have not been to, or landed on the moon?

      • Oops! I should have said … How exactly does one explain anything to a former-friend that still believes that hoaxsters have been to, and landed on the moon?

  2. When Rome was first overrun by “barbarians” in the later 1st century, it was another couple hundred years before it ceased to exist in its previous political form. During that time, their money was debased by cutting down the silver content of the denarius so that government debts; salaries etc.and “tribute” (today’s foreign aid) could be paid.

    When Nixon closed the gold window in ’71, we were already on the long slippery slope to oblivion. IMHO, at the same time he did that, he should have demanded a Constitutional Amendment installing a balance budget requirement. He didn’t and probably couldn’t have gotten it passed anyway. Thus deficit spending became the norm. Borrowing money to pay the interest on a debt created by deficit spending is the height of lunacy. It has allowed the growth of the deep state and all that entails, placing us in the predicament we’re in today. The country is being bled white fighting foreign wars and now giving free shit to anyone who shows up at the door with their hand out. This is effing crazy.

    The country as it exists today as a political entity can’t last through the end of this decade without PERMANENT major changes in how the country is being operated. How those changes come about is the really big question.

    It either happens through adult level sanity returning to our government which I don’t see happening or civil war. Neither one is going to be pretty and in either case a lot of people are going to end up dying. A lot more if it’s civil war.

    However it may take civil war to eradicate the insanity and at some levels the treason that exists in the USA these days.

    • Just to put a little finer point on how screwed the USA is due to the National Debt situation, the total value of all of the gold that currently exists above ground is $12.5T, that’s trillion with a T. The national debt in contrast is, as of this writing and increasing by the millisecond, $34.5T.

      So, the US National Debt value is roughly three times the value of ALL OF THE GOLD that exists above ground ON EARTH of which the U.S. owns approximately 6% or $750B worth.


  3. It’s too late to vote our way out and too early to shoot our way out…but get ready.

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