19 thoughts on “Canadians still don’t get it… Elbows up? Next it will be dicks down.

  1. If they do want in, it’ll be another 9 states, mostly blue, and the likelihood of Quebec joining in is that close to zero

  2. I wouldn’t take that shithole if it was free. I’m sure there are some fine people there but by and large there ain’t nobody I would want to call a countryman up there in the great not so white north.


  3. I’ll let you Yanks in on a little secret…. all the people in those pictures are idiots.

    See there’s two kinds of people in power up here:
    -those who know nothing.
    -those who suspect nothing.

    Canadians need to understand what elected officials have been doing in their name, and not just since yesterday either.
    Let the pain come. There appear to be things that cannot be explained, and so must be experienced, in order that the lesson be delivered.

    God Bless America.

    • The problem with Canada is that everything east of Kitchener (used to be called Berlin, but I digress….) is flat out Commie Retardistan. The Left Coast (pretty much west of Hope BC, or as everyone else says: beyond Hope) is full of Communist Chinese money laundering, Communist Chinese drug and human smuggling (when they jailed Picton, they lost a major place to dump corpses,) and those draft-dodging POS hippies who fled during the 1960s and early 1970s – then they had Commie POS kids who are now in politics.
      If eastern British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Alberta joined the United States, then the US would suddendly have two of the top three sources of oil and gas in the world, have the largest Uranium deposits, gold, silver, nickel, molybdenum, lithium, coal (and actually metallurgical-grade, not the shitty heating stuff,) the largest supply of fresh water (and unpolluted,) grain and cereal crops, potash (the largest supply on the planet,) hydroelectric power, cattle and lumber.

      And the best part if they joined the United States, Quebec would have to pay their own fucking bills.

      • It really seems, at this point, after everything (including that CSIS report about the Chinee influencing every federal election since Mulroney), that the situation here is largely too far gone to save.
        Even if there were the will to solve the problems besetting Canada, there is no mechanism through which to effect such. It would have to be created from nothing, and that would undoubtedly lead to failure, since consensus among the provinces is as difficult to find as Waldo.
        So, while it is easy to see where the issues in need of correction are, I submit it is a far more difficult thing to envision solutions that will actually do the job that is required (and chief among those requirements is a means by which the whole thing can’t be co-opted by those French twits, corrupted by Ontario, or turned into some sort of fucking crusade by those left coast retards).
        A tall order, indeed.
        IN the meantime, maybe Mark Carney has a solution to the problems…

        • It’s refreshing to hear from a Canadian who understands and can articulate that which plagues your country. I wish for your sake that you weren’t caught in such an untenable situation, but then we here in the US are in much the same situation, with too many literal useless idiots (those who are, and will always be net drains in the productive population, and those who just don’t give a shit that we are being slowly killed).

          I’m not sure we can pull out of this tailspin, in fact I very much doubt it. But we do at least have some critical mass of people here who recognize the problem and are trying to move the Overton window, albeit with limited success. Our neighbors to the North – with few notable exceptions – are still in complete denial of what is coming.

          Your issues with foreign invasion and influence are slightly different from ours by demographic makeup, but we are still doomed here to having to fight our way out of ethnic replacement; that is a battle that hasn’t even really started here yet (Trump’s big talk about deportations notwithstanding) and unfortunately most (actual, not imported) Canadians at large seem even further behind the curve in recognizing their plight, so haven’t even begun to contemplate what will need to be done, assuming it ever can be.

          I know there are some like yourself who get it, but you are but a twig in a forest of rank idiocy and passivity. We share in the common goal of wanting our respective countries and standards of living restored to what they rightfully should be, but for all the damnable teat suckers and malicious agents of destruction dragging us down into hell.

          • I always enjoyed my time in Alberta and Saskatchewan when I went fishing, hunting and just camping, a better people living there. Not so much in BC or Ontario and Yukon Territory, those where assholes to US citizens

    • I’d be good with eastern BC over to Sudbury when things do the big crack-up-boom. I don’t want to be the Overwarlord for Superiorland, but I’d be a good crazy shaman inventor-guy or jester, I’m goid either way.

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