Here’s a little math for you.

This is all 5G war that has been going on for several years now.
It looks like we are finally learning to fight back.
Make no mistake, this Airline stuff is Very. Serious. Business..
The Airlines themselves will go bankrupt toot sweet if they can’t keep their planes in the air and you don’t just run down to the local Home Depot parking lot and hire a crew of illegals for a day job to replace a bunch of fucking Airline Pilots.
Same Same with the Air Traffic Controllers.
This is just the opening salvo to soften up the beach head.
The landing craft are warming up their engines as you read this.
This whole thing is going to start snowballing and Biden is going to have his bluff called BIGLY.
Police departments, the Military, these pilots, it’s all going to start adding up into something the MSM will not be able to ignore nor spin.
Just wait until the Truckers decide to play ball.
If you think the Supply Chain is fucked up now?
You ain’t seen nothing yet baby.
Just a few vital goods/services is all it takes to bring us to our knees. Can we survive this sort of thing?
Us “preppers” don’t look so stoopid now, do we?
Here come the ‘tards commenting in 3, 2, 1…
The ability to count backwards from 3 proves you’re not stoopid.
Your lips to God’s Ear, Phil. Could be the tipping point for which we have been waiting. The elite assumption that all will ‘just behave’ could really whiplash.
I work for an aerosystems manufacturing company and due to some .gov contracts that we apparently have, we’re required to get vaxxed or walked out by 12/8. Looks like a few of us have a career change coming. Fuk em and their tyranny! Let’s go brandon!
Your Un vexed Laird has arrivecd with his cane in hand
In for a penny…In for a.pound
Local scuttlebutt is that the .mil shipyard here is set to lose around 4000 civilian employees. The brass seems to think they can bring reservists in to fill the gaps. Having spent time around both the shipyard in question & navy reservists I can confidently say that this will be a disaster.
If you fired the right half of the shipyard employees, i.e. the dead weight, you’d actually improve operations there. But the dead weight aren’t the ones that are going to walk, it’ll be the productive workers who actually give a shit about maintaining the ships the right way.
Reservists won’t be able to replace all of that knowledge & experience. All this will do is hasten the destruction of the navy.
The bad thing is many of those fucktards in DC can fly .mil but that’s okay by then it will be a vaxxed pilot. Ha ha ha their so smart.
There’s a .mil Flight Surgeon that refuses to clear vaxxed pilots for duty.
And rightly so! Here ya go:
Lots of non-Lamestream Media reporting on this…
Forgot the original article, here it is:
Apparently, an Army Flight Surgeon! Good on her!
I swear guys- these pukes are so pitiful and desperate that I smell a nuke in the air. East Coast.